We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared before hand so we might walk in them.

Let’s break that down:

As in the individual as well as the corporate body of Christ. You, me, us, we.

We are
Are is the present plural form of to be.  In context, we are to be someone’s, as in ownership.

We are His
We are somebody’s something. To clarify the word His, we are God’s. [Any capital letter in the King James or New King James bible will refer to divinity. I threw that in for free ;)]

We are His workmanship
I don’t know about you, but I don’t speak old English, I speak American. The word workmanship can be better translated masterpiece. The Greek word is poema where we get our English word, poem. But yet that doesn’t give the profound context of US (we) BEING (are) SOMEONE’S (God’s) Masterpiece.

The value of a masterpiece is astronomical. The painting a kindergardener creates isn’t a masterpiece [contrary to the opinion of the child’s mother]. To be deemed a masterpiece a work of art must be appraised and go through rounds and rounds of art criticism. The artist goes back to the painting day after day to make adjustment, scene changes, color mutations. The process is painstaking, the outcome is divine.

To put this in context, Gustav Klimt’s masterpiece sold for 137 million dollars. Was it worth it? ABSOLUTELY! I saw this gold gilded beauty in France and it’s breathtaking. Paul tells the Ephesian church and US that we are valuable, we possess worth, and we are beautiful.

Why? Why are we deemed His masterpiece? 

Let’s discuss this. I did the first half of the scripture, you—bible scholar—do the next half. Come on! This is good exercise for your soul. Don’t chicken out. Don’t read everybody else’s answer [that’s cheating]. Just write what you know to be true.

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