Today I’m en route to visit the A21 Campaign shelter in Greece. An 19-hour flight has me dreading boarding a plane, but knowing I get to meet and talk to trafficked girls in our care makes the flight enjoyable!

Here’s the truth:
When I accepted the position at A21, I thought my life would be one big shining day of saving the world goodness. The reality is that I’m behind a desk five days a week and send 927,287,130 emails a day. I sit in meeting to meeting, campaign planning to campaign launching, and still eat my lunch out of a paper bag. But there’s something different in my daily life.

As Chief Storyteller for A21, I read pages and pages of reports. I see the bad, read the ugly, and dream about the horror that is involved with human trafficking. But there is hope. I have hope. We can make a difference.

I received an email today that there is a alleged victim in a detention center in Greece who they suspect has been trafficked. The email was pressing and urgent, asking when I would land in Greece because—get this—they want ME to translate and speak to the woman about her story?! She only speaks Spanish and our A21 lawyer knows I’m Hispanic so she told the local officials a TRANSLATOR will be coming from America to help this case.

[Side note: I almost barfed while writing that. I’m so nervous, I’m sick.]

Please pray for me. Please pray for this young woman. Please pray that those years of watching novelas with my Puerto Rican grandmother will pay off when trying to speak my broken Spanish. Please pray I can share her words with the pain she feels, the hope she needs, and the will to fight.


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