I grew up a poor kid. Not like poor I-don’t-have-a-home, but poor like I-wish-I-didn’t-have-to-shop-at-thrift-stores. And I-wish-I-didn’t-have-to-drink-the-donated-guava-juice-from-church. And I’m-never-going-to-wear-hand-me-downs-anymore. Yeah, that kind of poor.
As a child I vowed I would never be poor again. I would never wear donated clothes. I would never ask for a handout.
Never say never.
I have been invited to go into the slums of Kenya, meet the
amazing people from Mavuno church, and physically be the hands and feet of Jesus to live out the commission to love my neighbor as myself. I believe in the organization I’ll be traveling with whole-heartedly… but there’s this one thing I just can’t get over: their STRICT fundraising policy. [see below]
So–I’m starting the Post-it Project. Everywhere I go, people who I touch, you will be able to be part of this journey. I’ll be blogging and Tweeting about our adventures and if you want to be part of this adventure, you can! Below are some instructions on how to help send me to Africa.
Go to http://www.marinersoutreach.org/giving
Click on the link that says “Give towards a Faith Adventure”
Step 1: Fill in your information.
Step 2: Designate Faith Adventure Donation
Team Member Name: [Bianca Juarez]
Trip Name: [Kenya, June 2010]
Step 3: Fill in your account information.
I appreciate your help, love, and support. If nothing else, I appreciate your prayers!
That´s a really nice post, good to know that this topic is also being covered in this web site. Thanks for taking time to this discussion, keep up with this interesting work.Good job !