Yes, this is out of order, but I’m in Greece and everything is backwards here. I’ll keep up with the tradition and make up my own rules for this week. ๐Ÿ˜‰ To answer Tuesday’s blog post question regarding oral sex and virginity, I’ll keep the complicated issue simple:

Q: If I have had oral sex, am I still a virgin?
A: I don’t know.

But my opinion doesn’t matter. There isn’t a scripture directly speaking about this so I’m leery to post an opinionated answer. However, there is good news! The one who knows the answer is also the one who can forgive.

We’ve established from a biblical and non-biblical resource that oral sex is technically considered sex. We know—from scripture—that sexual activity before marriage is wrong. Whether or not this nullifies your virginity is something only God can answer.

For those who have slipped up and engaged in activity that would make your mama blush, remember the women from John chapter 8? She was caught in the act of sexually immoral activity before the religious leaders (can you imagine your pastor walking in on you while hot-n-heavy some someone?!) and dragged her through the streets and threw her at the feet of Jesus. When they asked her if she was guilty, Jesus stooped and wrote on the floor with His finger. As He wrote, the religious leaders walked away one by one.

Jesus could have lambasted her. But He didn’t. Instead, His parting words spoken to her are repeated again today: Neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more.

Friends, may we go and sin no more. ๐Ÿ™‚

Any questions for future vlogs or blogs? Ask away!

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