I’m at the airport and Matt is making faces at me the entire time to get off my computer because we’re on vacation. But what he doesn’t understand is that my computer and me have a torrid love affair. I’m confessing this to you, dear Internet, that I have a problem.

Nothing says love like rolling over and being warmed by a charging computer, right? I kid, I kid. But I have become quite fond of my laptop and I need to let it go. No more work, emails, or stalking people on Facebook, I’m going to let go and have fun on the streets of Barcelona.

I’ve asked a few friends to help me discuss dating, singleness, and love while I’m on vacation so there will be an interesting series going on in these here parts. Stay tuned!

Until then, I shall unplug and be on vacation with my lifelong boyfriend. Adios, amigos!

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