Some days my lawn is watered, dinner balanced and square, my closet is organized, and my bed is made. On days like today, it feels like I’m on the set of a soap opera in a scene that is too unbelievable to be real and the script writing is horrible. Except it’s not a cheesy soap opera, it’s my life.

In a scene only believable in a novela, I open my gym bag after my shower and realize I forgot to pack my jeans for work. This wouldn’t be so bad if I hadn’t already forgot my entire work attire yesterday. Racing down the freeway, I wrack my brain trying to think of store open at 6:55am. I’m left with one solution: Walmart.

As the script of my life would have it, I’m also giving announcements at church tonight AND introducing my husband who is our guest speaker this evening. So I’ll be the one in the ill-fitting denim from Walmart, making announcements, and exiting the stage like a soap opera diva.

[Back of hand to forehead, head slightly tilted back, long sigh] Auvoir, goodbye! I shall return at a later time. But until then, know I’m always in love with you! [Air kiss, exit stage left]

My life,

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Bianca Olthoff