Teaching about God and Jesus basically means to teach people that reading God’s holy Word is he first step to move in order to progress in the spiritual life. Anyone has a soul and this needs to be cherished by God’s Word.

That’s why the Holy Bible represent the fundamental tool in order to give one’s soul true Life. Probably, many people prefer to read books written from religious personalities who found the real meaning of Life and Love, but it still stays that reading the Holy Bible is the best and only way to go.

Money: is it bad or good?

For many people who believe in God, it’s crucial to know more about what God says about money and wealth. Money and business have always been two main topics in the human life, mainly because when one begins to own goods and money his attitude gradually changes.       

Holy Bible
The change should be oriented towards God, but sometimes and without one to realize this, the change moves towards avidity and egoism.         

The Bible doesn’t promise to become rich people. In fact, the Hebrew word for “prosperity” means peace, safety, health or blessing. There’s no implication, at least not directly, with the meaning of financial prosperity.

Attitude reveals people’s temperament

Jesus stated that wealth and poverty aren’t signs of God’s favor or punishment. In fact, all depends on how people feel about money. If one attaches their heart to money, that’s bad. But if one decides to use their money also for the good of others, that’s a good thing.       

It’s all a matter of attitude and priority. Generosity will be always blessed by God, but for most people wealth is dangerous for the soul’s health.

Money today: people’s heart hasn’t changed

Back to today’s times… the situation didn’t change that much: give a person 1 million dollar and you will see how that person will change attitude. Either he / she will become arrogant and egoist or he / she will decide to share at least a part of that million dollar.

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It’s not a sin to have a job and earn well, as long as you keep in mind to help those who need your help.

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