Think of strobe lights, artificial snow, drum lines, space aliens, and an amazing lineup of current day leaders and that pretty much sums up a typical Catalyst conference. I know, I know, a conference is a conference is a conference. They all feel the same, right? Wrong.

Conferences about leadership feel stuffy and elitist and pretentious. But when I attended Catalyst, the vibe was very different. It was large–yet welcoming, weird–yet cool, young–but all ages were represented. The speaker lineup had a wide range of speakers; some liberal, some conservative, all lovers of Jesus.

The topics were wide enough for anyone in ministry, while maintaining a depth to impact lives. I was completely sold on the entire event and dragged three more people with me the next time I attended.

So please understand my excitement for Catalyst West in March! Not only do I get to connect with old friends and meet new ones, I get to participate on a whole new level. This year I’ll be speaking with Jenni Catron and Lori Wilhite for a lab* discussion on Confident Leadership. Obviously the panel is all women, but it’s not gender specific 🙂 Everyone is welcome to attend.

Immediately following the event, all three of us will be available for a meetup. And guess who wants to meet you? ME! No, seriously I do. I get to “meet” people online but it TOTALLY feels way more real after we hug, fist bump, or take a picture.

But if you can’t make the labs, but will be there for the main conference, I’ll be hosting an event with Mercy Ministries on Thursday, March 3rd during lunch. And boy, oh boy, this is a good lunch! Anyone in California knows that In-n-Out is the best burger in town, so join us for this FREE event and learn more about how you can put an end to sex trafficking. Register here.

If for some reason you don’t live near by or can’t attend the conference, myself, Brian Wurzell, and Tensley Molzahn will be doing live interviews with each of the speakers following their sessions. You can watch LIVE during the conference as I try not to stutter, embarrass myself, or act like a fool. Pray for me! Seriously. Lord knows I talk too fast when I’m nervous and I may pass out while talking to Soledad O’Brien and Rev Run?!

In light of all things Catalyst, today CatalystSpace blog went out. I offered my thoughts on Fake Authenticity. Feel free to pop on over and check it out.

Strobe lights, snow, drum lines, and space aliens,
B 🙂

*Labs are the day before the start of the conference. For more info, check this out.

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