She sat on her grey couch and casually asked, Will they like it? Do you think people will read it?Β She pulled in her legs and tucked them under her to sit on her knees like a child trying to seem taller around the dinner table. The little Greek Australian let out a big laugh and spoke wildly with her hands; tiny hands expressing the contents of a big heart.

My boss Christine functions on little sleep, exercises religiously, reads consistently, and preaches daily. Ever-ready for challenges and hurdles to leap over, it was rare for me to see the dynamic, confident, crazy Aussie honestly pausing to vulnerably question whether or not her story bears the time and labor of writing… and reading.

The perennial question she asked is what all story-tellers feel: Is it good? But the difference is not in feelingΒ but in knowing. Christine has taken the deepest, darkest, and most painful memories of being abandoned, alone, and abused and woven a beautiful story of redemption, freedom, and living a life undaunted.

While in the final editing stages of the book, I was sent the PDF draft and asked to comb through and read for clarity. I had a 18-hour turn over plus I needed to finish my current work mounting on my desk. I wasn’t sure I would be able to make the deadline. I couldn’t have been more wrong.

Her compelling story kept me up at night and woke me up questioning if she would be adopted or find a way out of the Australian outback or beat up human traffickers [I’m not making this up. You need to read the book to believe me.] At 4:30am I’m crying on my treadmill at the gym as her adoption story unfolds and at 9:00am I’m sitting at my desk at work laughing at her audacity and courage while facing insurmountable odds.

The blonde fireball has moved from the couch to the center of the living room and laughed at hearing her own question. The truth of the matter is, her story is an anointed tale and she knows it. God is going to put this book in the hands of those who need to get out of the Christian rut and start living life UNDAUNTED. Her confidence is not in publishers or marketing but in the power of her testimony. And that my friends, is why I think people will read it.

I’ve never believed in a book more than I do Undaunted because the story is more than an adoption story, or a I-found-Jesus story, or a survivor story. It’s a story of freedom which is the core of the Christian message [Galatians 5:1] and the impetus upon which we can live empowered to live the life we’re suppose to live.

I’m giving away a signed copy of her book today. Simply leave your name, date of birth, mother’s maiden name, and your credit card details to be entered to win. You may or may not get a shoe order appear on your credit card statement, but just ignore it. πŸ˜‰ I kid, I kid, Internet! Just leave a comment to be entered to win.

Believe me. You won’t regret it! To order the book directly you can do so here and 21% of all proceeds goes to The A21 Campaign in the fight against human trafficking.

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