My Passion Week Life:

4:45am – Alarm blares
5:15am – In the gym
6:30am – Sit in traffic
7:15am – At my desk
9:00am – Meet with my boss
1:00pm – Inhale lunch
3:00pm – Take a break to bang my head on my desk
3:05pm – Question the meaning of life
3:07pm – Snap out of it and send out 32,041 more emails
6:00pm – Shut down office, head to main sanctuary
7:00pm – Passion Week service
8:30pm – Sit in traffic
9:20pm – Say hello to my husband I haven’t seen all day
9:30pm – Dream I’m on an island in a sundress with long, thin legs. Because life is always better with thighs that don’t touch.

This has been my week. Passion Week. A week to study and celebrate the life of Jesus prior to his crucifixion with the body of Christ. It’s holy and sacred and—if I’m quite honest—exhausting. [If you work for a church, you know what I mean.] Every night we’ve hosted speakers, teachers, guest bands, and a host of visitors. As awesome as the week has been, it’s come with some gnarly challenges.

In the process of trying to ensure things run seamlessly, I’m coming undone at the seams. This is not my resurrection day for crying out loud, but for our team of creative planners, there is a responsibility to magnanimously give glory and honor to the One who’s day it truly is.

This morning while haphazardly slipping on my socks, I asked myself if things will come together for Passion Week, Good Friday, and Easter. What if the musicians aren’t in key? What if I go over the planning budget? What if the outdoor services have to be moved indoors because of rain? What if lighting cues are off? What if I don’t find anything to wear for Easter?!

And then I saw it.

There, on the bottom of my foot, was a small colorful sticker. It was one of Ryen’s Easter stickers she’s been putting up all over the house. I laughed and wondered how it ended up on the bottom of my foot until I peeled it off.

I held in my hand a pastel colored sticker with a cross and banner waving across the middle, gallantly waving the letters F-A-I-T-H.

I know you’re going to think I’ve done lost my mind, but for this tired girl who wonders if things will ever come together, if things will ever change, if what I’m doing really matters, I’m holding on to a simple reminder: Have faith.

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