
  1. The person who leads or commands a group, organization, or country.
  2. A person followed by others.
Leadership has always been living in the tension of wanting to be a strong, confident leader and hiding in my closet with sugary carbohydrates trying desperately not to have people know I’m scared of making bad decisions. I want to be David, but in reality I’m Gideon. I try being refined and polished and organized, but I end up exposing myself as none of those things, because I’d rather be real that pretend to be perfect.
Speaking of being real, my in-laws are in town for the week and this past Sunday after church we ended up taking separate cars to lunch. My mother-in-law joined me in Matt’s car, while Matt drove his father. I will reiterate that it was Matt’s car. His radio station. His volume control.
It’s Sunday. We just left church. My mother-in-law knows I’m preparing and teaching Desertology this weekend. I’m doing my best to be the daughter-in-law she always wanted. And then we slide into Matt’s car, put the keys in the ignition, and a song comes blaring through the radio.
If there’s ever a moment when you know your veneer of holiness has been blown, this was it. Sir Mix Alot’s infamous song “Baby Got Back” [aka “I Like Big Butts”] came on at the most inopportune time. I wanted to respond with, Oh my word! What on earth is this horrid rubbish? I need to purge and cleanse my ears from such filth. 

But the truth of the matter is that I could recite the entire first two stanzas of the song my rouge memory. Yup, I’m the daughter-in-law everyone would want!

I reached for the radio button and casually turned the volume down [as in completely off] and just laughed in a I-don’t-know-why-that-song-was-on kind of way. 😉

Like I said, I’m not perfect. But I am honest about where I fall short.

Catalyst Leader has started promoting their Fall event in Atlanta and wanted to feature some of their speakers. Today I’ll be answering some questions over on their site about leadership, nicknames, and super heroes, so come check it out!

Lastly, if you’re planning on attending this weekend’s Desertology shindig, let me tell you that I LOVE you. I’m simultaneously excited, scared stupid, and anticipating great things. But things can only happen with expectant hearts. Don’t come expecting fancy or shiny or cool. Come expecting God to show up!

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