It’s like that moment before a kiss or the second before a jump off the diving board: nervous anticipation. This anticipation causes my hands to shake, voice to quiver, head to spin! Why? Well, because teaching God’s word is an honor and a blessing that comes with a responsibility and personal promise to—in the words of a So You Think You Can Dance judge—leave it on the dance floor.
We’re one week from the summer series and I’m excited and nervous and hopeful. Every year God never ceases to amaze me by amount of women who are hungry for God’s word and a place to worship.
Next Tuesday the series begins and my hope is that lives are changed with the following:
- We would know what a life marked by love looks like
- We would learn how to mark every aspect of our life with the love of Christ
- We grow in our passion, zeal, and pursuit of God
- We find a place to call home and worship freely with other believers
- We leave filled and empowered to continue living out the purpose God has called us to
Another personal goal of mine is that I keep my junk together. No, I’m serious. The week before I teach, it’s like all the bells in hell go off and I:
- Gain weight
- Have the patience of an toddler
- Cry like Jeremiah the weeping prophet
- Contemplate joining a convent
Maybe not all at once, but at any given time I may appear to be like Cybil or Khloe Kardashian and have multiple personalities. I’ve never publicly shared this with everyone before, but I’m shamelessly soliciting prayer… and lots of it! Instead of people thinking I’m calm, cool, and collected, I need you know that I’m petrified, yet assured. And this assurance allows me to brazenly teach with the power God has given me.
And I’ll let you in on another secret. My sister and I have a bet… a wager of sorts. She’s betting that I’ll probably cry on the first night of the series. I don’t know what possessed two pastor’s daughters to BET about a CHURCH service [there’s a special place in hell for girls like this], but we did. People, my integrity is on the line here! Please pray I keep my junk together. No tears allowed!
The Weeping Prophet
If you would like more info about the series or to lead a small group online, check out this post.
I can't even get through a Sunday morning service without tears so good luck!
Don't worry about crying, it shows your heart and its not a fault/failure/weakness. Unless you're crying that much we can't tell what you're saying…in which case you need to keep it together!!! 🙂
Praying for you and looking forward to the podcasts already x
You have my prayers as always – can't wait to be taught by you again this year 🙂
Praying for you, Bianca.
*whining* I wanna gooooo! Curse my predicament of living in Far Far Away (Shrek reference)! Hooray for the internet!
The series will be availible via podcast right? I just want to be sure I enjoyed the study last year so much! Will be praying!
You stacked the odds against me with PRAYER?!? No fair!!! 😉
i'm TOTALLY praying for you!
p.s. i am still not clear how to watch you live… are you going to give me a link or something??
Can't wait!!! I LOVE your teachings so much!!! I'll definitely be praying for you love!!! xo
praying that God keeps it together for you when you're about to lose it!
You're too cute…I've got you covered (with the prayer portion). I wish I was there to participate in this series…sounds amazing!
I'm with Jasmine (and Lindsey), but I will pray for you anyhow! 🙂 For reals, I'm very sad to be missing this. Gonna watch live online from Texas, Y'ALL!!! Give me a shout out, duh.
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Fantastic post! I’ll subscribe right now with my personal feedreader software package!?-
How concerning this – when the usa financial system keeps her level of downfall, eventually you actually won’t have got any travellers annoying most people as they aren’t going to be in a position to have the funds for. any completely happy idea, eh? hmm… can’t imagine just about any actual cheerful feelings. It’s a fantastic morning outside the house at this time yet We’re wedged indoors looking out in that. Probably have a look in the weblog ever again later today, wonderful night 😉