I don’t want to get into racial stereotyping, but I will say that most Puerto Ricans can dance. And people, it’s more than a two-step shuffle on the dancefloor! It’s like moving, shaking, and twirling at rates only hummingbirds and raging rabbits can keep up with. I’m no JLo nor will I be winning any dance competitions anytime soon, but I think I can keep my own on the dance floor.

But all Puerto Ricans had a moment of silence and hung their heads in shame the moment the Olthoff family got Just Dance, a Wii game that allows you to dance simultaneously with a partner while keeping score with a hand remote that tracks your movements.

People, can you imagine my horror when I saw my Midwest, German husband who has not an ounce of Puerto Rican in him SMASHED me in not one but eight games of Just Dance?! I broke a sweat! I talked trash! I shook what my momma gave me! How in the world did I lose?


But not only has Matt beat a MexiRican, he has since beaten two Mexicans, a Jordanian, an Armenian, a Liberian, and two Americans. He’s an animal!

There’s no arrogant pride in his Midwest two-step because he’s the first one to admit that he figured out a way to get a better score while exerting less energy. He found a better way. I can continue to talk smack and throw salt in his game or I can listen to him and learn from the male Shakira [because really, his hips don’t lie].

This is like Life. We can continue to sweat, hate on other people, and move like raging rabbits or we can talk to others who are doing Life well.

In the privacy of our car last night, I asked him about my life. Where did he see weaknesses and how I can figure out a better way of communicating? We haven’t come to any conclusions, but in the meantime I’m learning and watching those who are doing life well. And practicing my Just Dance moves in case we ever meet on the dance floor. Hello?! I’m half Puerto Rican! 😉

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