The words rolled off his lips effortlessly and I knew he was one of the very few who can speak like he writes. Shirt neatly tucked into his denim, it was a casual look for someone who is anything but casual. Michael Hyatt spoke at Catalyst yesterday in a lab for roughly 80 people. The room was cramped and the lady next to me poured over into my seat while jabbing me in the side everytime Michael said something funny. I smiled politely trying not to wince from the pain. Perhaps it was too crowded, or she was laughing too much, or her pen didn’t work, but she didn’t take notes. In fact, no one in my row did.
Yes, I’m one of the neurotic few who color-codes my notes and write in straight lines utilizing bullet points, asterisks, and tabs. But aside from my OCD temperament, I couldn’t help but swallow up the his insight like a camel at a desert spring.
He said something profound I knew tacitly but could never put into words. Never take for granted the privilege of people allowing you to speak into their lives, he said earnestly. And with one stroke, his verbal scapula cut me to the heart. He was like a modern day Apostle Paul paraphrasing scripture while dropping Truth like it’s hot! I too thank God for every remembrance of you (Philippians 1:3).
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share our stories, struggles, fears, and failures. I can’t wait to write more, live more, and laugh without regard to my annoyingly loud cackle. I hope we continuously wrestle with who we are and who we want to be.As always, this is a place where you can speak freely. Controversial meets conservative into a Sound-of-Music moment on occasion. And in those moments, I want to twirl like Julie Andrews and sing like Michael Hyatt 😉
Note: You can follow me or many others microblogging on Twitter during the Catalyst conference. Join the fun!
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