Britney Spears. Demi Lovato. Amanda Bynes. Miley Cyrus. Lindsey Lohan.

Each of these women are talented in their own right. God has created each of them with purpose and creative talent, much like He’s created each of us with purpose and creative talent.

Eating disorders. Depression. Obsessive compulsive. Used. Addicted.

Each of these traits have overtaken these women in devastatingly awful ways, much like each one of us can fall prey to.

I remember seeing Britney Spears on the Mickey Mouse Club and Demi Lovato on Barney and Lindsey starring in Parent Trap. Such raw talent and drive opened doors for each of these women in their perspective areas of talent who all claimed some sort of relationship with God. But something happened–an foundational unraveling faster than Aguilera’s genie in a bottle could anticipate.

The fame, success, and notoriety dangerously whispered lies of invincible proportions. You are amazing. You are so hot. You are a god that everyone looks up to. Years later we see Britney Spears twice-divorced, broken, and psychologically unstable at the age of 27; Demi Lovato institutionalized for cutting and depression; Amanda Bynes falling apart as she obsesses over fame and fortune; Lindsey Lohan incarcerated and addicted to more than notoriety. As I watch women relatively my age come undone, I don’t throw stones, but I do ask questions. Why did this happen? How did it get to this point? Who is responsible?

A wise women once told me, the gift that is upon you will destroy you if what is in you cannot sustain you.

It’s easy to separate stardom from normalcy, but I argue we are philosophically closer to the stars than we think. In the past two weeks I’ve been painfully aware of friends who have allowed their gift to overtake them. Engulfed in lies, they are going down unhealthy roads faster than Lohan on Sunset Boulevard. A ministry partner fell in love with a man who has whispered lies of spiritual mediocrity and she walked away from the call of service to others. another friend has allowed fame and fortune to whisper in each ear that purpose is found in the doldrums of money and popularity. Are they gifted? Talented? Called? Yes. But there is a foundational cracking and splintering at the altar of talents and gifts.

Yes, we are talented and yes, we have gifts. But the moment our giftings and talents become our focus and drive, we’ve lost the purpose of creation by the Creator who fashioned us.

Friends, we all can fall. We are one drink away from shaving our heads and wearing a wig. We are one business deal away from being in love with our self more than God. We are all one relationship away from loving the created versus the Creator. So what is in you? I don’t want to Jesus Juke you, Internet. I’m not trying to shake my head and click my tongue at you. No way, Jose! I’m waving my arms like large semaphores screaming, PUT JESUS IN THE CENTER OF YOU! Why? Because the only thing to sustain us and enable us to outwork the call upon our life is Jesus at the center of it all.

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