I’m learning more and more how truly random I am. In conversations with friends, I will undoubtedly change direction one million times. And then change it again—SQUIRREL!— for no apparent reason. It’s Wednesday, so three cheers for being random. Hip, hip, hooray!
I made my Christmas list this week and hung it on the fridge. You know, so Santa knows exactly what I want.
I went to Costco this week to buy something in massive quantities I’ll probably won’t be done with until next year. But I like knowing I have it.
A lady at the gym plopped her weights, gym bag, and water bottle in front of me then decided she’d shoo me backwards. Um, listen up sweetheart, this ain’t Cuba and you ain’t Castro.
A friend of mine told me a Christian man had texted her asking her on a date. Hello? Wasn’t junior high like ten years ago?
I asked God to send me chocolate as a diversion from writing, but I know He doesn’t work like that. So I stole some from the kid’s Halloween stash, then asked for forgiveness instead 😉
Someone told me Parker was handsome and looked like me. Instead telling them our familial and marital family tree, I just smiled and nodded. Is this still lying?
I made minute rice for the first (and last) time of my life. Giada De Laurentiis would be sad. Very, very sad.
Is anyone else uncomfortable wearing nail polish or lipstick with completely inappropriate names? I vow to never paint my lips or nails with anything that has promiscuous in the name. It might make me go crazy. Heaven help us all!
There should be morning do-over if I wake up on the wrong side of the bed. Even if there’s only one way off the bed. Today, I need a do-over.
And if I’m not the only random person out there, sound off. If I am, please deal with me in spite of my randomness.
Nothing wrong with randomness. I think we all have a little adhd in us! Right? Keep on being your random fabulous self!
HAHAHA! Again, you are totally my internet bud for a reason! I'm totally random all the time! LOVE it! I embrace me… and my randomness! hahaha
I'm the exact opposite…I prefer to have slutty toenails (those toes are just wild and I can't seem to stop them – ha!). ; )
PS – posts like these make me love you even more. SQUIRREL!
Oh SisterFriend, I've got promiscuous pink on my nails as we speak, so I feel you. But I'm married. So it's ok. Duh.
Hahahaha!! That is funny and I totally understand what you're saying. 🙂 Have a great day!
You don’t blog about Jesus anymore, why?
hahaha!! Oh man. Just yesterday I had a total moral dilemma when buying my daughter shampoo from the Bedhead line: Self-Absorbed?! Maybe she can pray about that while shampooing. 😉 I draw the line at the "Big Sexy Hair" line of products. hehe!
Love random people. They keep things interested….. SQUIRREL~!
Pray while shampooing? I love it. See, all is forgiven.
Gabe tells me I have ADD… I believe it… along with OCD, ADHD, and CD
I live for random! It's what makes life fun! ;D
Love me some randomness. It's what my life is made of. Mostly. Sometimes. Or something like that. I forget now.
Squirrel! is one of my favorite phrases. Although, technically, it's just a word. I guess that doesn't count as a phrase after all.
People are so into themselves. I've been acutely aware of that lately. We live in a nation of navel-gazers.
Sharing the randomness of life reminds each of us that we're not alone in this madness. 🙂
"SQUIRRELL" R u kidding me?…lol
I don't know you personally, but I love you internetly…
Love that you can share your randomness.
Keep it comin sistahh
Speaking of random, I burned up a quesadilla I was making while reading this post … and I mean BURNED as in black, house full of smoke, etc. Cough, cough. My house will stink for quite some time. And it will be cold b/c I had to open all the windows, letting the 45 degree wind in. Brrr. Cough. Shiver.
And a random confession: This is the SECOND quesadilla I have burned b/c of blog reading. Apparently I need help.
I started laughing out loud when I read about the text request for a date. My husband did the same thing for our first date. I scrunched up my nose and called my little sister, "He's 34. What is this, Jr High? I mean, shouldn't the guy CALL me?" My sister: "Talking on the phone is way overrated. You should just go." Good thing I did, I guess. He thanked my sister profusely when I told him this story 🙂
I think GDL would forgive you for the rice. We all can't be master chefs and married to a guy with ready access to all of Anthropologie! If only!
i am so glad i am not the only one! i feel like i am so scatterbrained sometimes….your choice in nail polish is like my husband's choice in anything that has demon, or devil in the name…yay for randomness!
Feeling ya. On all of it…especially the nail polish. Today I wear "You don't know Jacques" not sure what that means.
And the Parker thing ain't lying. You don't have to tell everyone everything. So you look a like, so do me and my precious puppy (we both cock our head the same way when questioning somethign) and we aren't blood relatives either!
I tend to be somewhat random too. I can totally go off-subject to another subject but then when I realize I've strayed – I try to bring it back 'round. 🙂
People used to tell me my 6 yr old stepson looked like me. My husband said "God planned it that way. " 🙂
By the way – it's Dionna posting. I don't know why it keeps showing up as "innerfulfillment" which is my team blog!
I'm over at http://beautyinthestorm.blogspot.com
It really bothers me when the Tupperware containers have lids but the colors of the lid and container don't match. I guess that's random.
The first paragraph is TOTALLY me! I'm the queen of random. 🙂 Love it!
Cold weather makes me feel like I could fly! — I wish I had money to spend on decorations instead of being in penny pinching mode. — I really really hate housework and don't know if that will ever change, God help me. — I have much to blog about and no time to do it in. — I'm having one of those days where I feel lonely, despite the fact that my husband is sitting two feet away.
Have a good day B, even if you did wake up on wrong side of the bed. Our days are short and evil, (Eph 5:16), make love to your new husband, kiss your stepbabies, and have a piece of chocolate. Sola Deo gloria!
I love our random conversations when after 10 minutes we've summed up a whole week!! To randomness, I love it and I get it!!
Haha! Oh, yes….my husband often looks at me very confused because I often change the subject before he has a chance to chime in and then he's even more confused trying to figure out how what I'm saying relates to each other….That's the POINT! They don't! Haha!
And my nickname since H.S. has been RABBIT….because I hop around in my conversations….and my nickname from my family is TURTLE because I eat. sooooo….sloooooow! And speaking of random animals, i tried to convice my husband to be the wolf and me and my 2 little girls would be the 3 pigs…but he said, "Ummmmm…NO!"
so very random…just like me =]
Random and so right on………………
I, like Ariana, also don't know you personally and love you internetly.
All over the place – and cute like a squirrel – here then there – and perfectly randomly just – nice.
Haaaaaaa! – I also hate nail polish and lipstic with "dirty" names!! I though I am the only one weird like that. I threw away a fat bottle of really nice neutral nailpolish because I simply could not live with the "sinful colors" line on it. I tried to get over it – I couldn't. Bought it for color, trashed it for name..
haha,,I'm the same way and drive my family c.r.a.z.y! But the nail polish thing..I currently have on "Perfectly Passionate…are you ready…PURPLE! and it has glitter in it! so way me! at first I thought, this is way out for Anna, but then did it anyway..what the heck!
If your crazy and you know it clap your hands
If your looney and you know it clap your hands, stomp your feet, jump real high..squirrel!
If your happy and you know it and your face will truly show it, squirrel
My girls hate it when I yell out squirrel while cooking dinner or even better when I was "Mom Taxi!"…I would slow the car fast, then yell squirrel!
I'm a simple-tin!
I too and completely random. And I agree about the morning do-over. I had one of those the other day. I always tell people your mood is a choice, so I guess I chose to to wake up on that side of the bed? Which by the way, you could have gotten off on the other side of the bed, unless of course it's pushed against a wall, but puh-lease tell me it's not, because you're married and not 12. Even if I had a 12 year old, I would not put their bed up against the wall. Why do people do that? Anyway, I love random, please do it again. 🙂
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