I felt like a scene from Julie & Julia. I was in the kitchen chopping onions and carrots and celery, and Matt was in the living combing through mail. He pulled out a large yellow envelope and said, Did you order a book from Regal?

I put down the knife, grabbed my hand towel, and frantically ran over to him just like Julia ran over to Paul when she received a copy of her first cook book. It’s here! They shipped the completed Tozer book,Β I squealed. I ripped open the package and scrolled down the list of amazing contributors and felt honored to be part of the list.

A while back I was asked to contribute to a book honoring the brilliance of AW Zozer by taking a quote and writing a piece related to his words. So I did.

Oh, if only we remember who God is. Β —AW Tozer

I’m not Julia Childs, I wasn’t making boeuf bourguignon, my husband’s name isn’t Paul, but in that moment my food was tastier, I was taller, and Tozer was alive.

[The book will be released on November 1st, but I wanted to share it with you all first. The pieces are short, just a couple pages each, but the author list includes Charles Swindoll, Judah Smith, Lisa Bevere, Ravi Zacharias, and many more! To order or get more info, you can check the book out here.]

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