Freedom is something I was brought up to value. To fight for. To believe in. As a daughter of an immigrant and first-generation American, we—still to this day—fly a star-spangled flag from our porch everyday and know the pledge of allegiance by heart.

So you can imagine that the 4th of July is a holiday worth celebrating in our house. Mom decorates everything in red, white, and blue and Dad proudly wears a United States Marine Corps shirt because freedom and independence is what makes us individually American. Freedom is not free, he would say. It costs everything… even life.

But 365 days ago I signed up for an insane journey. A journey that has taken me around the globe, opened my eyes to evil darkness, fought for freedom, spoke for justice, stretched my ability, and broken my heart for those in need.

On Independence Day last year I signed documentation forms as a bonafide employee of The A21 Campaign and held tightly to the belief that we will Abolish the Injustice of Human Trafficking in the 21st Century. Little did I know that signing papers on Independence Day was signing over freedom and becoming completely dependent on something other than myself.

A coworker told me that human trafficking is like a rabbit hole; it only gets deeper and darker. But I believe the deeper we go and the darker it gets only means we are getting closer to breaking through and bringing in light.

My first week of work I drafted up three audacious initiatives I wanted to accomplish within my first year at A21. At times I’ve failed, faltered, and flailed. I’ve wanted to bang my head against my desk, poke my eye out with a pencil, and jump ship more times than I’d like to admit. But God…

Moses wanted to die rather than lead God’s people to the Promise Land. But God came through.
Gideon wanted to test God out of fear of failure. But God was patient.
Peter made audacious claims and failed his Savior. But God was gracious.

I had a plan for my life that fit neatly into a safe, financially secure box. But God had different plans. Like Queen Esther, I was informed and educated on the horrific treatment against human beings and knew something had to be done. God put Esther in a position within royalty for a reason, just as God has prepared me for this season for a reason. Esther’s pardon for her people could have cost her life and freedom, but she knew her life didn’t matter if others died. She would rather die trying to save her people than live knowing they would die.

In the past 365 days I realized the same thing. Save people or die trying.

In the United States, today marks a day of individual freedom and independence from external control. But for me, this day marks a day of corporate freedom and utter dependence on God. Because if one person is in captivity, we all are. In the words of [my boyfriend] Paul, it’s for freedom we have been set free [Gal5:1]

Today I will sip Martinelli’s apple cider at my parent’s house to celebrate freedom, three accomplished initiatives, and a year of chaotic success.

Freedom for all,

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