Yesterday was a tough day. I told the world (or my corner of it) I wanted to raise money for starving children by running 13.2 miles. Now I have to do it.

I set out to start training on my last vacation day until March. I ran four miles in what felt like eighteen hours. Seriously, I dogged it. The grandma from Santa Ynez in her ’56 Chevy on route 153 honked at me for encouragement. I waved at her and hoped she’d turn around and give me a ride back to Matt, my warm hotel bed, and carbohydrate-infused breakfast. But I didn’t give up. And was (in)spired to share this in my monthly (in)courage post 😉

To check out the (in)courage post, click out the link:


Also, thanks to Kati Brown and Daphne Danaraj I’m 1% closer to achieving my $2,500 goal for Compassion. Mad love to you both for your support!

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