It’s that time of the month when I get to post on [in]courage, the webzine of writers, artists, and some of the most talented women I know. Seeing how December has been a crazy month, chalk full of expenditures and financial obligations, the post deals with having, not having, and what it looks like if we simply ask.

I’m attaching a link to the site and a small snippet it. Tomorrow, however, I will answering some questions from people who posted on the facebook wall. It’ll be a two-part response to why In The Name of Love started and how I began. If you have any more questions, feel free to post it on the fb wall.


…If anything else I’m sharing hope. Hope that things can change because seasons change, hearts melt, and time heals. In the midst of our trials we knew that prayer changed circumstance. Not that we got what we wanted from prayer but that our hearts changed to accept whatever we were dealing with. Then and now.

To read the full post, click HERE.

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