It’s been said that time is what we want the most, but what we use the worst.

Though the sentiment is real, I refuse to believe this is how we have to live.

Life is cyclical. Like the children of Israel, we return to deserts, find new Promise Lands, have moments of captivity, and seek God for deliverance. Wash, rinse, repeat.

But what can we learn in the process? How can we grow? How can we take people on the journey with us and see transformation occur in the lives of those we love the most?

I’m discovering that I have a pattern; an evolution if you will. Every ten years or so there is a growth–a bourgeoning–deep within my soul and as I approached my birthday last week, I’m reflecting on how much has changed and how much has stayed the same.

Humor me as I indulge for a minute.

Ten years ago…

  • I taught my first bible study to a group of teenage girls at a youth retreat in Lake Tahoe.
  • I was living at home with my parents. [Don’t judge. Judging causes premature aging.]
  • I was in the middle of graduate school on a full-ride scholarship thinking, How did I end up here?!  And what am I doing with my life?!
  • I was a lonely, single and best friends with Ben&Jerry [which was better than being best friends with Jose Cuervo and Johnny Walker].
  • My mother had brain cancer and a 30% chance of living.
  • I traveled with my father to Barcelona, Spain as he taught in churches and opened my eyes to the global Church.
  • Determined to mobilize the young women in my church, I started a summer bible study for 150 women [however, I should note I was non-committal and afraid of failure, so it was only six-weeks long].
  • I weighed ten pounds less.

As I look back at the past ten years, I see God’s invisible hand, I hear His silent call, I feel His presence in the darkness. The moments of fear were met with His faithfulness, the doubts met with dependence, the confusion was met with His clarity. This may sound like an After School Special [shout out to public television addressing stuff our parents didn’t want to talk about], but things ended up the way they were suppose to.


  • I have the privilege of teaching men and women in colleges, churches, and communities about the power and truth of God’s word and work around the globe.
  • I live in my own home.
  • Graduate school is complete, but the learning hasn’t stopped.
  • Thanks to eHarmony, I married the man I call my hero, my friend, and my husband.
  • This past year, my mom was declared cancer-free for the seventh year.
  • I now get to travel the world with the pioneering spirit of my father and help pour into churches around the globe.
  • I have be rooted under Nick and Christine Caine for the last four and a half years freeing slaves, building the church, and empower women.
  • Though I no longer teach the summer series, they have continued in spite of my absence and other women are leading in new ways. I love you, CCM!
  • The ten pounds I have gained will one day disappear when I swear off carbohydrates. [But WHY would Jesus call Himself the BREAD of Life if he didn’t want us to eat carbs?!]

In reminiscing over the past, I’m reminded that time is short and demands are high. Don’t let time slip by waiting for opportunity to find you. Maybe you need to stop beating on a wall, hoping it turns into a door.  Where is God leading you? Take a look at the past ten years of your life and see how far He’s brought you. He hasn’t let you out of His plans this far… it’s time to believe He won’t start now.

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Bianca Olthoff