She pulled me to the table and invited me to sit down; to pause from the speed of life and mutually listen to each other. With kinds words and a gentle nudge, my mother encouraged me to speak honestly and openly with her women’s ministry board.

Seasoned women with years of experience and wisdom graciously listened as I stammered through what women’s ministry felt like and what I thought it needed to be like in order to engage the next generation. They nodded their heads, listened earnestly, sighed deeply.

I left the Big Girls Table feeling like I said too much, yet not enough.

There has been a shift, a groaning if you will, of women who love the Church and yet don’t feel like they are part of it. I’ve blogged about women’s ministry, next gen leadership, and the feeling surrounding traditional women’s ministry models, but through the past year, I’ve connected with other women who share the same passion for leadership, desire for change, and willingness to openly discuss personal experiences. It’s been amazing to see how—like birds flying south for the winter—we’ve all be able to find each other and passionately fight for a destination that feels like home.

Sometimes we need to pause from the speed of life and speak honestly and openly about issues inside and outside of the Church. A couple of my friends have been have a conversation on how: To Gather. To Equip. To Unleash. 

When we gather together, I firmly believe we can equip and encourage each other, unleashing the potential, the passion, and the purpose we are called to live out.

I’ve got to keep it real. I’m tired of hearing statisticians and reading demographic polls of how lame my generation is. The truth is that if there ever has been a time in history where people have more access to education, technology, and ingenuity, it’s now; it’s our generation. And the statistics will prove that.

Passionate about life-change, leadership, and reaching our potential, I’ve partnered up with an amazing team of women [Jen Hatmaker, Tara Jenkins, Lindsey Nobles, Ann Voskamp, Jennie Allen, Angie Smith, Rebekah Lyons, Esther Havens, Melissa Greene, Lauren Chandler, and Jessica Taylor] who want to gather, equip, and unleash. And guess what? You’re invited.

This next generation gathering will bring dreamers, feelers, doers, makers, mothers, and everything in between to equip, empower, and mobilize women to not sit idly while life is flashing by. We are called for more. You are called for more. He wants to give you more.

For more information about IF:Gathering, check out the website or signup for updates so you don’t miss the fun. You can also check out these posts so you don’t think I’m the only crazy kook who feels passionately about raising up the next generation to be amazing world changers!

What I’ve been talking about for several years is coming to pass. It would be an honor to have you be part of the party. Questions? Comments? Stones to throw? Feel free to speak freely. 🙂

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