To all my single ladies in the house, I’ve got this little diddy for you. If I was half as talented as this girl and had her hair, I would be on every street corner beatboxing this truth. Because it’s the truth… and the truth will set you free.

And for the gentlemen who visit on the sly, there are women who are waiting for you to step up. Not step up to the invitation to coffee or a marriage proposal, but to step up to being the man God has called you to be. Not perfect, but aiming to be. Not rich, but responsible. Not arrogant, but with a confident swag in knowing who you are… rather, who’sΒ you are. πŸ˜‰

And who knows? Maybe we can have a love connection RIGHT HERE ON THE BLOG! Woohoo. If ya’ll meet and marry, I’m guaranteed the spot of your flower girl. Done!

For the single girls, what are you looking for in a man? For the single men, what are you looking for in a woman?

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