2 Chronicles 16:9: For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.
Two years ago I spoke at a young adults gathering in Phoenix, Arizona. There were about 1,000 people jammed into a historic church building. After a time of worship, I just felt like God was up to something. I can’t explain it. But I knew I needed to change my message. I parsed back all the studying I did and preparation for the evening and taught out of my favorite Psalm.
At the end of my study, my heart was pounding as I felt like people needed healing. I felt so much pain in the room, but I couldn’t explain it or put words around it. Slowly and cautiously I spoke out what I believe God was asking me to say. One particular thing I said was that God wanted to heal someone’s throat.Honestly, I had no idea where this came from, but I literally felt something in my throat as I spoke these words. After the evening ended, there was a line of people who wanted to connect or be prayed over. One particular girl came up to me that night and said she had thyroid cancer and I KNEW I had to pray for her.
I put my hand on her shoulder and prayed for God to do a wondrous healing work in her life. That’s it. No fireworks, no shaking on the floor, no heaven’s parting, nor visions seen. I just prayed for her. That’s it.
But one thing I held on to was this: Don’t believe in miracles, depend on them.
Last month I was in Mesa, Arizona to speak at City of Grace’s Good Friday service.
I poured out my heart and taught a message on the last phrase of Jesus spoke on the cross.
It is finished.
All the work of sin and shame and sanctification happened on a cross on Calvary and Christ’s death brought us life. The power that raised Christ from the dead in alive in us. I preached my heart out. I meant every word. Again I felt like God was asking me to share His heart for someone in the room who had an auto-immune disease.
In a massive church auditorium as the worship band took the stage, I asked if there was someone in the room with Lyme’s disease. God clearly gave me faith for healing someone in the room and I knew we needed to pray for them.
The room was silent and no one moved. I asked again if anyone had Lyme’s disease. There was a moment of panic because if a prophet in the Old Testament spoke out a false word, the people could stone them?!
Friends, I had no intention of dying on Good Friday, so I held my breath as I saw a small movement of a blonde girl raise her hand in the back of the auditorium. Relieved that I wasn’t crazy and God has actually given me some words for this girl, I asked those around her to pray in faith for her full healing.
Following the service, I was approached by several people, but one girl looked familiar. I recognized her face, but her hair was different. She urgently pressed around people and waited in line to talk as each person made their way out of the meeting room. “Do you remember me,” she asked. I told her she looked familiar, but I couldn’t place her. She told me that we had met two years earlier in Phoenix and I prayed for her thyroid cancer. I immediately remembered her and with a quiver in her voice, she said, “I’m healed! I don’t have cancer anymore!”
Listen, I believe in God to do the impossible, but when He does, I’m still shocked.
In complete awe, I wrapped my arms around her and rejoiced over how faithful God was. But out of the corner of my eye, I saw a girl with blonde hair slowly approach us.
The girl who was healed of cancer reached out to the blonde girl and said, “I saw on Instagram that you were going to be here today and brought my friend to come hear you.” As I looked at her friend I recognized her face. It was the girl with Lyme’s disease who stood for prayer! “I brought my friend Kirsti today and she’s the one with Lyme’s disease. Can you pray over her?”
You guys, I died. Like literally, I was dead on the floor.
I’m not saying it was my prayers that healed Crystal’s thyroid cancer, but I firmly believed God used medicine and the miraculous to do a wondrous work in her life. Not only that, her faith was strengthened to the point of bringing her friend to church and I believe God wanted Kirsti to know His healing power was at work in her.
Shadows reveal there is a sun. Miracles reveal there is a God.
If you have questions about the Holy Spirit, so do I. In fact, I have more questions than I have answers. But what I do know is our God is a Living God who has the power to move and heal and provide and speak to us today.
For those who think I’m mystical, I don’t care because they are skeptical. I’m either wise enough or naive enough to believe that the God of the Bible is alive and active today. He wants to pour out His Spirit in us and on us to do what we are called to do here on earth.
2 Chronicles 16:9 reminds us that He wants to show Himself strong. Allow Him to show you how STRONG He is. The acts of the apostles didn’t end in Acts 28. We are disciples and apostles of Christ who are living out Acts 29 because the story of God doing the impossible is still being written. I’m no one special. I’m just a girl who doesn’t just believe in miracles… I depend on them.
I needed to hear this today. I’m believing for healing for a friend at work, and this just spurred on my faith even more. I was raised in a tradition that prayed “if it’s Your will, please heal so-and-so.” I know their intentions were good, but that type of prayer made me believe God doesn’t always want to heal, and so I wasn’t able to have faith in who He is. It has been a long process for me to believe that God will actually act in miraculous ways because of our prayers, and like you, I have just as many questions as I have answers. But if Jesus rose from the dead, then that changes everything. Thank you for this post!
WORD! Hallie, I couldn’t agree more. I just stopped praying weak sauce prayers and God has been faithful. Let me know how I can pray for your friend! There is power in PRAYER!
So good. Amen!
Pretty amazing! Been praying for my wife that God would do a miracle of healing for her and that through it we could see Him. Gave me an extra portion of faith ending this. Blessings Bianca!
Praying for her! And you! Believing God in the midst for the whole Stead family.
I have chills reading this and feel so convicted. How often do I pray those “if it’s Your Will…” prayers, not because I’m really truly asking if it’s God’s will, but so that I am giving God an “out” if those prayers don’t come to fruition. In tossing up that out, I’m really telling God that I don’t FULLY believe that He CAN do what He says He can. Wow! Thank You Bianca for these words, and Hallie for your comment that really brought it all together for me! God can do ALL THINGS! Now I must live like I not only believe it, but depend on it!
Yup, I’m with you sister! F’real. Let’s pray bold and brave prayers
You are so right, Bianca! Our God is able to do anything. He is STILL in the miracle business today. No matter how big or small, I also believe miracles happen every day around us — even if we aren’t paying attention He is at work.
Thank you for making life sweet!
Lately I’ve been discouraged (I know I shouldn’t ) me and my husband have been trying to have a baby for almost 3 years and nothing. I need to grow stronger in my faith but it’s not easy .
Hi Bianca!!
You’re such an inspiration!! I have a situation here in the home of step family. Andrea is 4 months pregnant and addicted to crystalmethamphetamine & marijuana. She’s carring twins !!
I just in boxed LVMPD, I hope they actually read their email, I just want the babies safe, at this point my only hope is they’ll come put her in jail for the next 4 months. She also has a warrant.
I so needed to hear this, Bianca! We have been trying to conceive for 5 years, with 4 of those years through a infertility doctor. We finally stopped the infertility treatments in September last year and instead of asking for a child we started praising God. He miraculously allowed us to conceive for the first time at the beginning of March, which we miscarried the middle of April. But it was a complete miracle! We were told by doctors that we could never conceive. Please join us in praying that He will do it again! Please also pray for healing through this grieving.
Rebecca, I’m praying RIGHT NOW. Our God can heal. May your story be a Hannah testimony
That’s amazing!!! God is good!!! I’ve been in a similar place lately… I often feel like The Holy Spirit asks me to pray for physical healing for people. A few weeks ago at church I was talking to an older lady who was telling me that she’d lost most of her sight and I felt the Holy Spirit say “Pray For Her”. Of course I argued for a while but finally I asked if I could pray for her and she said yes. So I did. And I prayed for God to restore her sight. And He didn’t. But I wasn’t discouraged and I’m still not because I think a lot of times God asks us to do things because He first wants to see if we will even obey, ha know? Honestly sometimes when I feel a prompt or wisper like that, I say no. Mostly because I’m afraid or because I don’t want the person to walk away feeling worse than before they met me. Does that make sense? Anyway, I’m with you! And I’m getting there. Why WOULDN’T we pray for people to be healed!? It takes courage for sure but once God starts revealing His power and glory then it’s just OVER (in the best possible way). Why would we ever stop after we’ve seen someone restored like that? Can’t wait to hear more stories!! Ps. I was at Rooted Chicago this past weekend and you rocked!
TOTALLY. Yes, I get it. It’s scary. You don’t want to sound or look like an idiot. But one wise woman told me that when we are faithful in believing God with the small, he will trust us when it comes to the big stuff. Be faithful. We got this!
Bianca, thank you for your ministry and for following the call of God on your life. Those two girls are two of my best friends, and it truly has been incredible to see the healing hand of God at work in both of their lives. Your willingness to step out in faith has helped strengthen their faith and my own as well. The God we serve is an incredible God who heals us, restores our broken hearts, and brings us to new heights we could never reach ourselves. Thank you for your post and I pray that this story stirs people’s hearts for Jesus.
Crystal and Kirsti will FOREVER be in my mind. Thank you for being a witness to God in their life!
️️Thankyou for sharing it encouraged my faith!! Sometimes the Lord will have me pray something or give a bible verse and I question is that really from you Lord or is that just me??! I love that you knew it was just from the Lord!! what you shared encouraged me to speak out in faith and Gid will do the rest!! Blessings xoxo
That’s right. Just trust him and he will do the rest! Get it girl.
Brianca, God has anointed you. At the Alive2015 conference, you shared a word for a mother whose son would be reconciled. I am believing that was for me but I also believe it was for other mothers, too.
Thank you for praying over me. I am trusting God to heal & restore what is broken. He is the Mend-er, Healer we need.
Keep listening to His Holy Spirit.
Much love & gratitude, KT
That was a holy moment. I swear. It was like God pierced the hearts of so many mothers in a way that only God can do! I’m praying for you too
Amen! Amen! Amen! Thank you sister for sharing the mighty work of the Spirit and the ways He leads us to pray, to groan, to speak truth and healing and power over others. Amen!
Thank you for the encouragement. I’m truly blessed by your words. XO
Bianca, thank you so much for sharing this story! This was truly one of the most powerful moments of my life. I am praising God that he is using my lyme disease to reach out to others. Bianca, you have helped increase my faith and firm my belief in healing. I have been sick for 9 years and I know God is going to fully heal me! It brings joy to my heart that this story is bringing hope to others. God is so good!
I”M SO GLAD YOU SAW THIS POST! I’m HONORED to know you. Please let me know when God heals you. XO
“Instead he went out and began to talk freely, spreading the news.” Mark 1:45
I am so glad that you have not kept this to yourself!
I firmly believe that the more persecution of the church we hear about, the more miracles we will hear about. The impact you have to reach people with personal stories of miracles will draw them to the One who can heal them.
Thank you for this story!
WOOHOO! Let’s spread the news
I loooooove this. Every time I share with anyone I always say “the same power that conquered the grave lives in me and you!” God is good and wants to work…if we only believe! Praying for my friend. Just diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and has little ones. Lord please touch her and heal her!
Praying alongside of you
Miss you, Lil!
THANK YOU for this, Bianca. It encouraged me a ton. God is GOOD.
You rock! You totally inspire me and get me all fired up for Jesus! I will never forget your talk at if:gathering on Jericho. I saw that story in a whole new way. Keep doing your thing, you are rocking it and proving that women truely are a force to be reckoned with!! Just FYI.. I’m your future best friend… {creeper status? }
please don’t ever stop what you are doing!
Creeper? No way, man! Friend!
Thanks for sharing, great article! We just moved a few months ago and are now in a church teaching this. God is so good he moved us near family prior to being diagnosed with a very agressive breast cancer at 42 years old. Now we are also in a church that speaks life into us and prays and believes in healing as an integral part of everyday life. I’ve had to renew my mind with His word and believe I am being healed. Worship and grateful heart is key to keeping my focus on Him. I have a future and a destiny!
Whether your healing is through medicine or a miracle, I pray and please God’s will over your life. Whether on heaven or on earth, God is doing HIS will and will pour out everything you need in this season. Silvia, God be with you. May His peace overflow in your life. XO
Amen my sister. Your message that you preached on good Friday at city of grace in mesa was awesome and amazing. I was there and I loved the message. I would love for you to prayer for a best friend of my and a sister in Christ who just got diagnosed stage 4 gallbladder cancer. Please pray for strength and miracle healing for her. In Jesus name amen.
Absolutely. I lifted your friend up this morning! I will continue to pray for God’s will to be done. Believing with you!
Thank you for sharing. It encourages me to continue to ‘desire the best Gifts’ like 1 Corinthians 12 speaks of. The best gift being what is needed at the time.
I had a dream of God using me to pray healing over a man with a bad leg, and as I woke from the dream the reference of Daniel 2 came to mind. So I quickly looked it up and as I was reading I was blown away! It is about Daniel interpreting Nebs dream, and in the dream a statue is built and a rock comes and crushes the legs of it. In the moment I was overwhelmed with the connections. That was a year ago, I still don’t know what it means or is meant for. But I am encouraged through your post and I’ll just wait and see if God will use me in that way!
And I’ll pray for Him to give me the ‘best’ gifts, the ones that are timely for whatever situation I’m in.
Thanks again!
Yes, I love that. The “best” gifts. What I also love is that Paul challenges us–all of us–to seek out natural and supernatural gifts. We all have access to God’s Spirit!
Thank you for sharing this encouraging word! I am currently awaiting results from and MRI and even though I feel strongly the Holy Spirit told me everything is going to be ok, i am struggling with so much doubt!!!!
Standing in faith with you!
I delayed in reading this. I’m so glad I read it just now. I don’t know what I’ve been battling for years but there has been so much encouragement to not lose heart. There is always a struggle to belive God’s truth. I press on daily when all I want to do is fall apart.
Love you, E. Don’t lose heart. I believe in you.
I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit move within me as I read through this blog! Please pray for my husband and I. Blessings from El Centro, CA!
You moved?! No way!!! Praying for you and Amador
Thank you so much for posting this. It is such an encouragement.
So many times, I go back and forth even though I know that God is a healer and so reading this was such a blessing.
WOW, you should pray for me too, Bianca! Seriously!
God is working miracles through your faith-filled prayers.
Praise Him!
I sometimes wonder if I’m crazy too when I hear God so clearly speak to me. A few times over the last few years I have heard God speak to me. Almost like He was sitting there next to me, sometimes even feeling a nudge. He called me to write & speak….He called me into ministry, ever so slowly revealing His plan & just giving me a little a time (I think as to not overwhelm me). I remember one time almost answering out loud because His voice was so clear (granted I almost laughed because, at the time, it sounded completely ridiculous to me).
I love it! Keep speaking out loud, Marissa
This story still gives me chills. I am so blessed that our lives crossed! You help my faith increase!! I go in this week or next for my yearly check ; but we both know I’m still gonna be healed
thank you Bianca !
Like everything else in the kingdom of God, miracles are in two places: the heart and the mouth. Believe that the miracle is done when you pray, and keep declaring you have it, and you will see it. I have had many, and I have prayed for others and they have received. Miracles are never GOING to happen, they happen when we pray. The key is speaking the word over the situation and then believing you have it when you pray: Mk 11:23-24. John G Lake said it is our job to take the work, believe, and go out and command the will of God. The Cross is all we need to see that healing is God’s will. Keep on going! Keep on rejoicing! Keep on loving!
Please pray for the miracle of healing for my mother with stomach cancer, stroke and other illnesses. She is in the Houston Hospice. The doctors say they can do not more her. I believe God can heal her. She is 83 years young and I am praying her health is restored and she will live many more prosperous and healthy years to spend time with all of her family and all of her children, grandchildren, great grand children that she lives to bless her great great grand children .
Her name is a Mary Nell Henderson.
I declare and decree she is healed from the top of her head to the bottom of her feet in Jesus Name.
You got it! Yes, David, I will.
LOVE love love this!!!! As someone who grew up in a fairly conservative southern Baptist home I wasnt exposed to spiritual gifts of prophetic word, prayer warriors who spoke in tongues, or the charismatic worshipper. Today I love to be around all three and believe this operates and thrives in places its ok to practice. Thank you for being a voice and for stepping out in a very scary situation you didnt KNOW if you heard the right thing.
Love the chances I’ve gotten to hear you (IF Gathering several times and occasionally through Propel:) It wasnt until this week I was inspired to find out a little more. Its fun to read your story and some of your work/blog! Thank you for what you do Bianca! <3
Thanks Wendy! You’re so kind.