It’s Friday and I’m in Nashville at a super inde cafe. Everyone has tattoos or piercings and listens to national public radio. I—on the other hand—have my schnazzy wrist brace. Literally, its my other hand. [My puns are totally intended.]

Since I’m inspired to be liberal, cutting edge, and cool, I wanted to experiment with matchmaking again. Challenged by my friend Lindsey who said I was a horrible matchmaker when I shared this post, I wanted to dust off my fairy wand and give some Bippity Boppity Boo to my friend, Juny.

So welcome single blog readers to

Meet Juny!

On today’s episode, I will be featuring Juny Manzo, a friend and ministry cohort. I’ve known Juny for eight years and never am I left without laughing until my side aches or pondering some deep biblical truth. He meets the minimum requirements for dateable men [loves Jesus, has a job, has nice teeth], but here’s a list of other great attributes:

  • Juny has worked in the entertainment industry in Los Angeles for 6 years as an assistant producer for Fox’s FUEL network
  • Juny now works in full-time ministry at one of the greatest churches I know [aka My daddy’s church]
  • Juny loves to travel, likes long walks on the beach, and is a hopeless romantic [I’m not making those stats up]
  • Juny is mature, but still has a wild streak of adventurous rebellion like skateboarding in Israel, Italy, and Japan [I’ve seen it with my own eyes].
  • Juny is passionate about God’s people and being Christ’s hands and feet to a world in need [check out the Living Water video he produced with a hand-held camera?!].
  • Juny is hilarious, but I will never let him think he’s funnier than me [but occasionally he is. Shhhhh, don’t tell him I told you.]
  • Juny has never been married, doesn’t have kids, he doesn’t live with his parents [basically, he’s like a unicorn… they exists but you rarely believe they’re real].
  • Most importantly, Juny is the real deal. He’s sold out to Jesus and passionately loves people. For those that may remember my post from a while back, the best advice I can give women looking for a man is to see how he loves and serves God—because it’s the way he will love you. If my words are true [they are, trust me], then Juny will make one lucky girl very happy. [Unless she hates skateboarders and inde movies with lots of butter.]

He’s totally anti online dating and stuff like that, but f’real, he never said I couldn’t mention his availability on my blog. So I am. And he might kill me. But I don’t care. Well, kinda of. No, I don’t. Yes, I do. I’m officially talking to myself online and now you know I’m schizophrenic. [Lord help me!]

If you know of any potential girls for Juny in the Los Angeles/San Diego/Bangladesh area, feel free to stalk him on Facebook or Twitter. He’s totally cool with it. I asked him.

If you know of any other guys who should be set up on the next episode of HOOK A BROTHA’ UP, holla’ at your homie or leave a comment with who should be our next BACHELOR! πŸ˜‰

Happy Friday, y’all! [<—I’m in Nashville so I’m allowed to say “y’all”]

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