There are people who view life in dramatic scenarios. They teeter on life’s ledges, they wallow in the bed covers as if they were ocean waves, they look for saviors to extend a hand while the quicksand of life envelopes them whole. This is the life of AllOrNothingCrew—of which, I am the chief leader.

And don’t think it’s just dramatic people who are part of the crew. Nope, there are very non-emotive people who internally deal with this stuff too. Annnnnnd if I’m quite honest, there are more than just girls who stand on life’s edges saying things like, Goodbye cruel world, goodbye…

Jeremiah was a prophet back in the day who I empathetically connect with. His nickname given by theologians was Jeremiah the Weeping Prophet because he cried—correction—he wept over the state of his countrymen and the sin entrapping his world. He felt alone, ignored, and ostracized by those around him, but worst of all he had moments of inadequacy.

We all do. At one point or another, whether in ministry or domesticity, we stand on life’s ledge and think to ourselves, I just can’t do this anymore. I can’t go on. Jeremiah was fortunate enough to have God Almighty share a word of encouragement with him, but what about us of today? Has the AllOrNothingCrew gotten a spoken word from God?

Yes, yes we have.

Paul wrote to the Thessalonian church a word of encouragement that is applicable for us today! When I read it yesterday, I immediately wanted to share it with you. Why? Because I know I’m not the only ledge walker out there and sometimes we need a voice to pull us off the ledge and assure us it’s going to be alright. Because really, it’s going to be alright.

The one who calls you is faithful, He will do it. 1 Thessalonians 5:24

What are you being called to? What are you being called from? Don’t worry! He who has called you will do it. 🙂 All in favor say aye…

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Bianca Olthoff