I have an inordinate long right leg. I have bad knees. I’m a girl. I smell when I sweat. I hate ruining expensive pedicures. I have a million reasons why I shouldn’t run a marathon, but one reason as to why I should: Freddie.


The deep chocolate face and wide smile of the Kenyan boy in the Chemrecc slum has forever pierced my heart. He was one of hundreds of faces I saw while in Kenyan, but Freddie stole my heart like no child ever has. His personality was magnetic, his laughter infectious, his optimism magical. But the statistics remain static for children in the quiet corners of the world silently dying from poverty, hunger, and curable diseases.

Every 4 seconds a child dies. By the end of reading this sentence, another child has tragically died.

Poverty is overwhelming—sometimes discouraging us from taking action and immobilizing us to change. We’d rather sit in our comfortable chairs, read blogs others have written, and look at a world others are living. But today things can change. Today YOU can be the one making a difference, saving lives, and being an agent of change for children with limited futures.

I’ve banned together with a wonderful group from Compassion and other bloggers to raise $20,000 for children across the globe. A lofty feat for one person… but a simple accomplishment for a group of people desirous of making a difference. This includes YOU.

On June 5th, 2011 myself and others like Lindsey Nobles, Annie Downs, Sarah and Chad Markley, Jenni Catron, and Spence Smith will be running the San Diego Rock&Roll half marathon. This can include YOU. Today can be the day you contribute to changing the world. Run with us or donate money to help children know God, obtain an education, and eat a meal.

Two ways to change the world:

  1. Join us. You can walk, jog, or skip past the finish line at your own pace by signing up HERE. Anyone can do it—including you.
  2. Donate money HERE to support the cause and 100% of your donation will go to Compassion. I’m running with a cause, but I’m fueled by your funds. Whether it’s $1, $10, or $1,000, it matters!

I will be blogging [read: lamenting] about the journey occasionally on the blog. Feel free to help spread the word by posting our banner on your blog, facebook a status update, or tweet about the cause. Together, we can make a difference.

For questions, concerns, encouragement, or to knock some common sense into me, leave a comment and I will reply as quickly as possible. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to begin my skipping practice. Yes, skipping. I have bad knees and I don’t want to ruin my pedicure. Don’t hate.

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