Oooooooouuuuhhhhhhh, it’s Halloween [said like a scary goblin]. Ooooooouuuuuhhhhh, it’s Halloween [said like a condemning Christian who sees costumes at church].

The same phrase can cause two implications: one of holiday reference and one of holy offense.

Whether it’s called Halloween or Harvest Festival or Fall Fun or Night of Light, most people have their opinion on how Christians should celebrate. And since I already recorded a [heinous] video from a while back, I’ll post it here [forgive the bad makeup. I blame the 80s.].

Whatever you do or wherever you go, make sure your true to your convictions… whatever they may be.

Happy Harvest Night of Fall Festivities on Hallow’s Eve! [<——Sorry, I had to be PC ;)]

What do you think? Should we celebrate? If so, what are you doing? If not, what are you not doing?

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