Sarah and I have met over coffee, gym workouts, and family dinners. She´s someone who has pushed me to be bolder in my life, stronger in my writing, and more confident in the person I´m becoming. Her story has blessed me and I hope you check out her story of redemption and grace. In the meantime, she´s passed along some great advice. Enjoy 🙂

The Same Page of the Same Book

After a weekend away with my husband I’ve realized that I don’t need a lot to make my marriage happy.

There are giant seminars you can take; you can go to big Weekends to Think About Big Stuff and hear expensive popular speakers talk about all kinds of things from intimacy to kids to Affair-Proofing {as if it is the same as child-proofing} and Ten Steps to Something. You can do that.

We’ve done that. There is value to that.

You can read books that give you quick fixes with titles like If You Do Only One Thing to Save Your Marriage, Do This. There are couples devotion books, there are couples Spice Up Your Christian Marriage series, and there are most certainly stacks of these books by the side of my bed. Some of them gathering dust on spines and pages {because I ALWAYS throw dust covers away} and others of them have been regularly flipped through and live near the toilet.

You can learn Languages and “I” statements and all of those things. Yes, I am a big proponent of all of this.

But I’ve learned something new this weekend.

What might be more important than all of that, Important Speaker and Bestselling Book aside, is a simple, connected act.

It’s not sex, although that is a must.

It isn’t church, although that is really important too.

It isn’t listening or knowing or seeing or any of that.

It is holding hands and walking forward in the same direction.

It’s the simple act of creating a shared goal, grabbing mother- and father-worn hands together and moving toward that thing as one. A God-loving family, a family that isn’t afraid to do hard things, a family that will be able to say “We were scared but we trusted God.” Those are our goals.

Working with someone for the same end is fabulously intimate and amazingly connecting. And when my husband and I are on the same page of the same book then most of the rest of life works well.

We end up listening to each other more, we end up “speaking” in each other’s “languages” naturally, and we are intimately drawn to one another because let’s just face it, it’s attractive when are both working and walking together.

When we take the time to be on the same page of the same book as our spouse it is a beautiful thing.

Go to the Big Giant Marriage Weekend and buy the next Seven Step Book to Be Close. But don’t forget the



perfection of standing side by side, seeing the same end-of-the-road in the distance and walking forward together.

For Sarah’s marriage story click here:

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Bianca Olthoff