I’m truly blessed to have an amazing twin sister who has been my defender, friend, and confidant. I was so excited to have her share her story with you guys. You can find her amazing blog HERE or follow her on Twitter.

For those of you who don’t know, I’m The Mean Twin.  If you’ve met Bianca in real life, you know she’s nice, kind, and sweet.  So sweet, in fact, I heard she once gave Mother Teresa a toothache.  Honest.  Hand to heaven.  Growing up next to someone like that could give anyone a complex…it’s a good thing I have better hair or else I’d have a few things to take up with God.  In light of this, I’ll let her tackle the spiritual issues and holiness because, well, she’s holier than me.

What I can talk about in complete assurance is the difference between God’s Perfect Will and Permissive Will.  This blog post could be close to a million words, but suffice to know I’m hard headed.  Like, if you pit me against a burro, I’d win.  Because God is all-knowing, when I studied and fought to get into law school, He granted me admission to some of the top schools in the nation.  In spite of my own doubts of whether it was God’s plan for my life, I pushed forward.

During my first year of law school, I realized I made a mistake.

The story gets long and complicated, but I left school when my mom had a relapse with cancer.  I was positively depressed and at the darkest point of my life.  It was then when I realized God was permitting me to have my way…but it wasn’t His perfect will for my life.  It was then when I let go.  Once I begged the Lord for his Perfect Will, my life took an entirely new direction.

I’m now incredibly honored to say I’m a photographer.  Like a real, legit photographer.  Yeah, I know you’re like That Has Nothing to Do With Becoming a Lawyer.  I know.  Doesn’t God have a sense of humor?!  I thought I wanted to become a lawyer, but the minute I let go, God gave me more than I could ever want or ask for in regard to professional fulfillment.

But here’s the best part:  I’m photographing Bianca’s wedding.  Yup.  I have the distinct honor of being my twin sister’s Maid of Honor and wedding photographer.  It’s nice to know God gave me a gift I can share during one of the happiest moments of her life….even though I secretly prayed my hair would look better than hers on her wedding day!  😉

If you’re battling with trusting God for His perfect will in your life, Let Go.  Seriously.  God loves you so much you’ll always get your way…but chances are you won’t be happy.  Just trust the Lord knows what’s best for you, even if that means not having a clearly defined path.

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Bianca Olthoff