Pickles and ice cream. Midnight ocean swim. Running in the rain. How does the old adage go? Don’t knock it until you tried it.  Same could be said for those who throw stones at people who perhaps haven’t experienced confusion about the future, moving back into the house you grew up in, or watching your degree collect dust as you make orange mocha frappuccinos wearing a green apron.

The label emerging adult is more than just those who live at home with their mom and her 85 cats. It’s more of an identified station in life that culture is perpetuating. Take—for instance—Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino. Prior to The Situation’s acting debut on MTV’s Jersey Shore, Sorrentino lived at home as a 31 year-old man trying to find his identity and figuring out new ways to ensure his hair didn’t move. Is he an adult? Yes. Does he act like one? No.

We’ve defined the who, what, and why of emerging adults in post one and two. But in short, here is how you know you’re avoiding adulthood:

  • Your business attire is pajamas pants and collegiate sweatshirt
  • The fast-food restaurants in your area know you by name
  • You eat cereal with a ladle if spoons aren’t readily available
  • You’ve banged your head on your cubicle desk and wondered, What am I doing with my life!?
  • Your parents call and remind you when your credit bills are due and when you need your next oil change

I don’t want history to look back at this generation as a brain-drain or lost cause. I believe my generation and the generation that follows has the potential, wherewithal, resources, and passion to change the world. We just need to step into adulthood like we mean it. Enjoy the vlog!

Thanks for all your feedback and comments during the series. If you have any other suggestions for series or vlog suggestions, feel free to let me know 🙂

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