A blood-stained cross brought freedom for the captive, sight to the blind, life to the dead. Peter denied Him, Judas betrayed Him, Simon of Cyrene helped Him, Mary wept over Him, the people crucified Him, but now we exalt him.

On this day thousands of years ago, a cross held an innocent man crucified for a death that was not simply good for humanity, but GREAT for humanity.

Great Friday: God with us. God instead of us. God for us.

  • As with the children of Israel who cried out to God, we too cry out to our Father. Our cries are heard, our prayers answered, our redemption found… in the person of Jesus. God is with us. 
  • For our sin we can’t explain and the searing judgement of the law, we need a savior—one who not only suffers with us for a savior to suffer for us. Tetelestai! It. Is. Finished. God took our place and suffered for us. God instead of us. 
  • From the darkness of the tomb, the loneliness of aloneness, the brokenness of shalom, Christ is near. The people could not judge Him, the officials could not explain Him, the law could not convict Him, the soldiers could not break Him, and the tomb could not keep Him. He conquered death for us. God for us. 

Two thousands years later, I’m reminded that I am Barabbas, but God is with me, God has taken my place, and God is for me. It isn’t just Good Friday, it’s Great Friday.

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