Sometimes we need is perspective. Sometimes we need direction. Sometimes we need vision. But at all times, we should have a plan.

In thinking about why Americans love reality TV so much, I came to three conclusion:

  1. We love stories.
  2. We love the underdog.
  3. We love drama.

But don’t fault us. It’s in our American DNA. As school kids were learned about the sacrifice and struggle in fighting for our independence. We cheered for our forefathers who won battles they were expected to lose. And as the pages of history turn, we love feeling the victory and freedom many men and women fought for.

It should be no surprise that reality shows like Biggest Loser and American Idol are hits.

But what about YOU? What are YOUR goals? We have a tendency of diminishing our goals by comparing them to others. This, mis compadres, is not cool. As member of the body of Christ, we love stories, we love the underdog, and we lurrrrve drama!

In their book Made to Stick, Chip and Dan Heath believe that if you cannot articulate your vision/goal/dream in two to three sentences, then nobody will have the patience to listen. As difficult as it sounds, it’s true.

So here’s the exercise:
Write down what you do, then write down what you want to do.

There is power in articulating your goals. Sometimes it simply provides perspective [to remind us of why we do what we do]. Sometimes it to say we need direction [and that’s okay]. And sometimes it helps us to get started in stating our vision [so others can keep us accountable].

Whether you write it out in the comments section is up to you, but I would encourage you to write it out somewhere! Let others know.

This could be your next best step…

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