The engines roar and the cabin is silent. Sleeping Americans rest weary heads before waking up in a in Europe… a land filled with history waiting to be explored. For Matt and I, its more than a chance to get away or relax. It is a way to bridge local churches with global churches in what Paul would say is the body of Christ!

It’s like a puzzle; a biblical pangea if you will. Many pieces coming together to form one big beautiful design. The Nigerian woman singing praises to the same God the Korean man preaches about to an underground church. Yes, this is what Paul referred to as hands and feet and head and toes.

As a American Christian woman who passionately wants to bring together the Church [church with a capital C], there are areas of growth I want to address. For starters, how I do church versus how others do church is going to vary. American church is like Baskin Robbins 31 Flavors… we can pick what flavor of church we prefer.

Oh, you like lights and a smoke machine and a production? Then our bubble gum flavor is perfect for you! You want organ and wooden pews? Vanilla is right up your alley!

This may sound ecumenical and cumbaya-ish, but what if we step out of our Western ideals and think about the global church? The church who meets in secret. The church who meets in the country. The church who speaks in tongues. The church who worships in silence.

I’m heading to Germany to find another piece of the biblical puzzle. I want to connect with the a foot… or a hand… or a heart. Our desire is to give what we know to those who want to learn. And in turn, we want to learn from a group of people who love the same God, serve the same Church, and are passionate about sharing the gospel to others who are seeking.

We spent our own airline miles and are investing our own money to partner with two churches in Germany. The puzzle is built, the lands connect, the gospel is shared. We ask that you pray for us while in Berlin, Herborn, and Munich. 🙂 There is much to be learned from those around the world and we hope to share a bit of the amazing things going on in the global church!

If you know anyone in Germany near Herborn/Dusseldorf area, invite them to the Fraulenkonfrenzen [women’s conference] at Calvary Herborn this Saturday. 🙂 If I see you there, I’ll be the loud American trying to speak German. God help us all. 😉

Auf weirdersehen!

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