While researching the origins of modern urban vernacular, I was taken back by a common denominator in many popular slang words: money. Almost everything had to do with getting money (’cause it’s all about the Benjamin’s), spending money (’cause it’s the dolla dolla bills y’all), or finding someone with money (‘cause she ain’t nothing but a gold digger). Our society exalts those who live opulent lifestyles, drive the fanciest cars, and spend money like it’s going out of style. Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against money or extravagant spending–if you have it. But I see so many people my age living above their means. Maybe it’s stupidity. Maybe it’s entitlement. Whatever the case may be, it’s financial death by plastic cards.
According to UrbanDictionary.com there is a word for these people: ghetto fabulous. I’m embarrassed to admit that I’ve labeled myself ghetto fabulous in the past, but now that I’ve been enlightened to the terminology, I don’t think it’s cool to be equated with inappropriate spending on depreciating items instead of items that build wealth. Word picture: The girl who lives in section 8 housing, but has an iPhone she carries around with her food stamps in her Gucci purse. It’s incongruous.
We are told we cannot serve God and money (Matthew 6:24), but that’s exactly what we do when we lay down Visa and Mastercard at the feet of our idols. As people who trust in a Being to provide our every need, what does it say that the financial debt of Christians is at par with the national average? Because every need doesn’t include our every want. 83% of credit card debt is not from purchases made for existence, but opulence. This is the exact usury spoken about in Nehemiah 5:10–and it’s wrong.
As a recovering ghetto fabulous diva extraordinaire, I’m standing on my proverbial soap-box and warning Scenesters, Gold Diggers, Players, Rock Stars, and the Wannabe’s that the cost of debt is not fabulous, but fabuLESS. In the famous words of Nancy Reagan, Just Say No!