A recent CNN article came out about men, boys, women, and shifting gender roles in society. It was a fascinating article discussing the educational, relational, and financial changes in the American landscape because of the proposed decline of men being… well, men. If there was one pastor who I knew had read the article, I could bet it’d be Pastor Mark [as his Twitter handle so aptly names him].

In light of resurrection of Friday vlogs, I’m attaching an interview with Mark Driscoll, pastor of Mars Hill Church in Seattle. He’s a controversial pastor on many levels, but if you can move beyond certain things, you discover a passionate man who loves God, his family, and the Church. I asked him about the CNN article—which of course he read—and had some interesting insights on the shifting role of men in culture, in family, and in church.

The interview shifts from discussing his forth coming book on marriage about half way through. If this isn’t proof that I need a part-time muzzle or a lesson in keeping my mouth shut, I don’t know what does. πŸ˜‰

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