This Friday installment of Friday Fun Films is brought to you by the World Wide Web. Thank you to YouTube, Vimeo, and supporters just like you!


Every once in a while I’ll see something and it’ll remind me of Matt. I wish it was a fairytale of a prince who whisks a fair maiden to lands far, far away with calorie-free ice cream and carb-free bread, but alas, this video is a great picture of our married life.

This my friends, is why I never did the Circle of Trust, Leap of Faith, or Zipline to Eternity at summer camp. I was the kid organizing games that involved Oreos, peanut butter, or dance-offs. As you can see in this clip, it was brilliant thinking on my part.

As much as I want to deny that this video is a replica of my life, I must KEEP IT REAL and let the Internet know that I have said almost every single one of these phrases. At least 10 100 times. I’m embarrassed for myself, I really am. But can this be one of those moments when you judge me on my heart and not my actions?

Thanks for tuning in! Tomorrow we will start the 6-week Saturday video series of The Scandalous Message of James. Tune in if you want to win a million dollars, find your future spouse, and lose those pesky 5 pounds you’ve been trying to get rid of before summer. Well, at the very least you’ll hear a bible study! 🙂 I kid, Internet, I kid!

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