The prognosis was bad and the recovery was slim. He put his hand on my shoulder and calmly said, You have Foot-in-Mouth disease. I wanted to fight it, but this meant denying the truth.

I do have chronic Foot-in-Mouth, Internet. I do?! The side effects include:

  • diarrhea of the mouth
  • vomiting too many opinions
  • getting yourself into trouble

I’ve suffered from this syndrome since I was a child. Everything from misinterpreted compliments to inadvertent disses, I’ve covered the bases, folks. I’m not proud of this, but I share this information with you to ensure you never had to deal with embarrassment like I have.

Me at 14: Ugh, I hate the name Marie. Annoying!
Best friend: My middle name is Marie.


Me at 15: Why do I have to do this paperwork? I’m a life guard?! She’s totally acting like a boss.
Pool manager: I heard that! And I AM your boss!


Me at 17: Congrats! You look beautiful. When are you due?
Church lady: I’m not pregnant.


Me at 25: I’m totally available to babysit your granddaughter. She’s beautiful!
Him: Actually, it’s my daughter.


Friend in dressing room: I want your opinion. I have two outfits to try on but one makes me look really fat.  [exits dressing room in dress].
Me: Hmmm, yeah. That kind of makes you look round.
Friend: This is the outfit that makes me look thin.


Me yesterday: Ariana, I love this new compilation CD you’re playing, but this is my least favorite song. Her voice is irritating.
Coworker: This is my best friend singing.
Me: Hang on, let me chew on my other foot.

Please tell me I’m not the only one who has made a fool of myself. Sharing is caring, friends.

As you can tell, I’ve got issues. I bring this up because I value honesty so much that sometimes I lose the filter in which honesty should be vetted. Obviously. All that to say, if you suffer from this illness as well, there is hope. Symptoms and side effects don’t have to ruin our life. Solutions include:

  • Thinking before you speak
  • Remembering how disgusting your foot tastes
  • Taping your mouth shut
  • Wearing a muzzle

I’m heading to Girls of Grace tomorrow in Phoenix and I’m debating wearing a muzzle. The three sessions are designed to empower young girls through Christ and my specific session is LOVE FIERCELY. Internet, when I get going on the topic of God’s love and how we should act as His people, it’s ON and POPPIN’! But pray I don’t say anything I shouldn’t, would make my mom blush, or cause me to chew on my foot. Ya know, because I’m so good at that and all. 😉

If you’re in the Phoenix area and know of a young girl who’s life you can invest in, bring her! It’s going to be amazing. Seriously. If you’re not in the area or have no desire to hang out with teen girls, pray for us. Pray that God show up and do His thang like He does. I’m passionate about the next generation and being able to partner with Girls of Grace is nothing short of a party!

On the road to recovery,

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