On this episode of Foot In Mouth, our horribly mindless victim will document a growing disease permeating her social life. Watch as our victim makes a fool of her self in a one-week span!

Hello, I’m Bianca. I have foot-in-mouth disease. There isn’t a direct cure to this disease, but preventative muzzles, oral SuperGlue, and the basic think-before-you-speak tips will help me from dying a social death of embarrassment.

    • While backstage at Catalyst, one of the foremost leadership conferences for the next generation, I got to interview some amazing leaders and pastors, each hosted by assistants escorting them to interviews, recordings, or main stage platforms. After a lively dialogue with Francis Chan, a middle aged man wearing khaki’s and a polo came into the room and leaned casually against the wall as we finished up our interview.
      Wanting to welcome and make him feel comfortable, I extended my hand to introduce myself and asked if he was Francis’ host and tour guide. He shook my hand and said his name of Dan Cathy. I asked the PRESIDENT OF CHICK-FIL-A, entrepreneurial guru, and leadership mogul if he was a tour guide?! Foot. In. Mouth.
    • While meeting with a church leader about an event I’d be speaking at, she asked some theological questions. To affirm her I wasn’t an insane, Feminazi Pharisee, I jokingly said, Don’t worry, I won’t cry or start screaming on stage like someone from a crazy Christian television network.
      To which she replied, Oh how funny, my husband has worked at [insert Christian television station here] for years!  Foot. In. Mouth.
    • While at the gym I ran into someone I hadn’t seen in a while and immediately gave her a hug. Uncharacteristically emo, she gave me a limp, one-arm squeeze and sighed. Cheer up, Charlie, I jokingly said. You look like Sad Sally with that face! What, did your dog die?! It turns out her dog died. Yesterday.
      Foot. In. Mouth.

Stay tuned for another episode of Foot In Mouth with your star, Bianca Olthoff!

Please tell me I’m not the only one who needs a muzzle. If not, share your foot-in-mouth moments freely and without judgement. Grace is the order for the day! 😉

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