Racism is a heavy word laden with so much negativity. Prejudism is slightly better, but still hard to swallow. Oh, but favorites? Favorites is a word we can laugh over or tease someone about. But at the core of each word is the preferential treatment of one person over another. And it’s wrong.

But you know what’s worse? Playing favorites, being prejudice, or acting racist—at church!

I’ve encountered all three aspects listed above, but that does not sway me from loving Church. Why? Because I’ve fallen victim to those ugly sins as well.

You: Bianca, no way! You’re so holy and never sin and you’re never, ever wrong. Even when arguing with Matt.
Me: I know, I know. Who would’ve thought, right? But alas, I too am like mortal man 😉

Okay, so I’m jacked-up and make no qualms about it. In fact, I’m listing some prejudices I have. And you better list yours so I’m not the only one looking like the chief sinner of all!

  • People who drive 55 miles per hour—in the fast lane?!
  • Men who bathe in cologne before they hug people at church. [Inevitbaly I end up smelling like Allure, Curve or Old Spice after every service!]
  • People who complain about about church but do nothing to make it better.
  • Women who talk smack and gossip in prayer groups under the guise of, Let’s pray for ______ because of…
  • People who take forever to order at Starbucks. Come on people, it’s just coffee!

Tonight we will be discussion the first half of James 2 and I hope we are ready to get rocked. James is gonna lay the smack down! If you are unable to come, you can watch live at 7:00pm by clicking HERE.

Finally, this entire series is a labor of love for the Church. I don’t get paid one dime. Not one cent. The $20 you pay for the series goes into the homework books, bands we bring in, and dinner we serve them. This is my ministry and small  gift back to the Lord for blessing me with a family, a job, friends, and a warm place to lay my head.

If you don’t like what I have to say, I’ll pay you from what I’ve been paid to teach 😉

What are your prejudices? Drop it like it’s hot.

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