Racism is a heavy word laden with so much negativity. Prejudism is slightly better, but still hard to swallow. Oh, but favorites? Favorites is a word we can laugh over or tease someone about. But at the core of each word is the preferential treatment of one person over another. And it’s wrong.
But you know what’s worse? Playing favorites, being prejudice, or acting racist—at church!
I’ve encountered all three aspects listed above, but that does not sway me from loving Church. Why? Because I’ve fallen victim to those ugly sins as well.
You: Bianca, no way! You’re so holy and never sin and you’re never, ever wrong. Even when arguing with Matt.
Me: I know, I know. Who would’ve thought, right? But alas, I too am like mortal man 😉
Okay, so I’m jacked-up and make no qualms about it. In fact, I’m listing some prejudices I have. And you better list yours so I’m not the only one looking like the chief sinner of all!
- People who drive 55 miles per hour—in the fast lane?!
- Men who bathe in cologne before they hug people at church. [Inevitbaly I end up smelling like Allure, Curve or Old Spice after every service!]
- People who complain about about church but do nothing to make it better.
- Women who talk smack and gossip in prayer groups under the guise of, Let’s pray for ______ because of…
- People who take forever to order at Starbucks. Come on people, it’s just coffee!
Tonight we will be discussion the first half of James 2 and I hope we are ready to get rocked. James is gonna lay the smack down! If you are unable to come, you can watch live at 7:00pm by clicking HERE.
Finally, this entire series is a labor of love for the Church. I don’t get paid one dime. Not one cent. The $20 you pay for the series goes into the homework books, bands we bring in, and dinner we serve them. This is my ministry and small gift back to the Lord for blessing me with a family, a job, friends, and a warm place to lay my head.
If you don’t like what I have to say, I’ll pay you from what I’ve been paid to teach 😉
What are your prejudices? Drop it like it’s hot.
As a commuter, the 55 in the fast lane really resonated with me…and if you dare drive less than 80 on the 22 freeway, you might actually hear me yell. Yes, I'm classy like that…I yell in my car.
And don't try to return a million things at the check out counter during Christmas season. I might have a heart attack. So basically, the moral of my story is that everyone is too slow for me…and that makes me nasty.
I will also make a hideous face at you if you tell me you don't have a cell phone or a tv in your house. I'll pretend it's shock, but really, I'm judging you. Ha!
OMG I have to meet you cuz we are totally the same person!!! I'm glad to know I'm not the only one! 😀 But the good thing is Jesus loves and and still works with our weaknesses to help us learn… He has been trying to teach me for years.. I'm so stubborn :/
Sheesh…where do I start?
* People who think we should never point out sin in someone else because "we live under grace" and "we're all sinners" but have no problem slamming those with more fundamentalist views
* People who drive side by side on highways under the speed limit thus blocking traffic behind them
* Those who expel excremental vapor in elevators unless I'm the one doing it and then it's OK. (I can embrace my hypocrisy sometimes.)
* Churches who always seem to put the rich, influential and/or famous people in the pastor's small group but never "ordinary" folks
* People who treat customer service people like they're subhuman and almost like a personal slave
* People who make false claims of sexism, racism or bigotry because it's easier than engaging in debate with those who disagree with you
* Anyone who likes Kenny G
Oooh… the "pastor's group elite" resonates with me.
I LOVE Kenny G
Customer service people..I don't like the gum smacking.."oh you have your receipt..what do you want to do?.I bet they hate their job to!
Side by side drivers…Yep…don't like them either!
* People who smack their lips when chewing gum
* People who slurp their coffee, cereal, soup, etc
* People who diss Miami or Florida – that's my hometown, yo!
* People who don't respect my husband
* People who use "retarded" in normal conversation. My sister has Down syndrome and after 27 years of hearing that word used derogatorily towards her I don't care to hear it ever again.
I'm with you on the lip smack and slurping. I can guarantee that a witty yet slightly offensive remark will be made by yours truly. Service with a smile!
people who have conversations during worship
people who talk to you on Facebook but pretend they don't know you in person
People who text during service
Disrespectful teenagers
totally agree with you on the Facebook one!
*Laziness or the appearance of it
*People who play the victim instead of taking responsibility for their actions/lack of actions
*Disrespectful people make my blood boil. Please and Thank You are EASY to say and wonderful to hear!
*Judgemental people. I also judge others by their negative actions and complain about them to my husband but I really do my best to give others the benefit of the doubt.
We all live in glass houses and I'm working hard to move out of mine! Thanks for this post!
-People who never use their blinkers
-People who ask for a stick of gum and spit it out 10 minutes later
-People who try to cut in line at the DMV
-People who have a cold and want to give you a hug during meet&greet at church, and then proceed to shake your hand, the one that was just covered in boogers.
Yes… line cutters. I can go from pleasant to ugly in no time flat when someone line cuts me.
Mandy and Michelle, let me tell you that I HATE line cutters. I'm THAT girl who will call people out… with an attitude and Puerto Rican accent.
"'Escuse me, did juw not see dat dhere was a line? Yeeah, you're gonna haf to go back to dee end."
Baaahaaahaaa! Reallly, B?! I hate line cutters too but I'm passive aggressive.
I'll turn around and tell my sister [loudly], "Can you believe Big Booty Judy thought no one would notice her cut in line? Seriously! The nerve of some people!"
Yep… I call people out too. But in an introverted, scared, white girl kind of way.
"Um, excuse me… the line ends back there {points with bent little finger to the back of the line}… {followed by a big cheesy "don't beat me up" grin} 😛
Wait! I LOVE Kenny G!!! (OK. Not really. Not at all actually. But I couldn't resist. 😉 )
-People who complain about *anything* and do nothing to make it better
-People who use leading prayer to slip *any* specific message for someone else in the room (sigh)
-People who totally freak about stuff like where everyone is standing in the choir having to position everyone correctly during a rehearsal while worrying incessantly about the 10 people who aren't there (which means it's all gonna shift anyway) — and I'm not talking about the director 😉 (a.k.a. people who don't 'work collaboratively but are really trying to tell the worship leader how to lead. I mean seriously. If *I* can let him do his work and 'submit', I'm fairly sure anyone can. 😉 )
P.S. I've got much, much more wicked and evil and judge-y examples but I'll leave it there.
Yep. The prayers that actually aren't directed to God but to someone else in the room drive me BANANAS.
Lord, I pray that those two women will stop hating me when I pray. I don't want to name names, but you know who I'm talking about. Amen.
ughhh this is so hard to admit….
*people who's parents pay for everything
*women who "want" to be married and have that kind of life but treat men like 16 year old girls treat boys
*people who complain but do nothing
*christian friends who date people who dont truly love the Lord
*people who get mad at me for driving 55 mph! 😉 My favorite speed is 50. I have to push myself and constantly watch the spedometer to make sure Im going to the speed limit on highways. Its terrible I know!
I agree with you completely and find it funny that you're a slow driver. Better safe than sorry
I can't STAND it when people (ADULTS!!) have their parents pay for everything. and all their extras. grrrr
*People who are enablers
*people who are manipulators
*parents who let their children run wild, and are too lazy to teach them morals.
*kids that text while an adult is talking to them
I have a WHOLE lot more, but I'll stop here 🙂
Oooooh ouch! I'm not a kid and I'll text while anyone is talking to me. Better give my thumbs a break…
* People who TEXT during service!!! And don't even care if you are watching them…. so disrespectful..
*People who walk out of church mid service when they don't see Pastor Pancho there! Who are you serving?
*Women AT CHURCH who stare you down (head to toe) in the restroom like if we are a club or something. Reminder PEOPLE: We are at church!!! Love one another!
* People who cut in front of you on the freeway. I have to remind myself of 1Corinthians 13:4-8
* People who know you but only say HI to you when they want to.
* Parents who make their kids' lives miserable by being bitter and not spending quality time with them. But yet pretend to be the happiest family when others come around.
Bianca, thanks for keeping it real.
Ditto to "people that know you but only say Hi to you when the want to"
I don't know. Sometimes I do this. I don't mind when people at the grocery store pretend they don't see me. They're in a hurry… or whatever. Do I really have to engage with every person I know everytime I see them. I've lived in this town my whole life and that could drive me insane.
Maybe I should move to a new place where I don't know anybody. 😉
Not judging..just commenting…Isn't this like trying to take the splinter out of your friends eye when you have a plank in your own?
Ok, so here is mine
*People who are in the market and stop in the middle of the aisle and DONT get out of your way and they look at you and say "sorry"..yah so, get out of the way I want to say!…aisle huggers ugh!
*Drivers crossing over the carpool double solid yellow line….that dummy almost killed my Husband..
*Drivers crossing over the carpool line when they KNOW they are ONLY 1 person…(Two People minimum)
*People who get to the checkout counter and forget they need bread unload their groceries on the counter, then go to the back of the store to get the bread, then wonder why no one is smiling at them when they return…
*Dog walkers who let their doggies make a deposit on my lawn and don't pick it up….Yes, Iove animals, but I have enough to clean up after.
*Freeway drivers who zigzag and forget that their car has been installed with blinkers…
*People who throw trash out of the car window
*People who think that while the announcements are being said they can have a conversation with another person
*People who say…"Oh, I didn't come here to hear that person speak…wheres the Pastor..gone again" (I wanna slap them!) just keeping it real here folks. Pastor has a Wife, children and needs to spend quality time with them..don't you? don't you take a day off to spend time with family/rest?
*People who love to gossip and put it under the "Lets pray for so in so cuz of……" Lets stick t the basics
*People who don't clean up after themselves in the rest room..flush it, wipe it, throw it away in the can. I dont want to flush after you, wipe after or pick up after you…You are an adult…I've seen what you have left behind…….
"People who touch my right shoulder, Please Don't touch my Right shoulder it hurts when you do, it hurts when you don't, you know who you are!……….should I walk around with a sticky note on my shoulder that says "dont touch"
Ok, thats if for now, I've got to get back to my study…
Thanks for KIR B! love you!
Ok..one more..
PEOPLE WHO HONK THEIR HORN INSTEAD OF GETTING OUT OF THE CAR AND GOING TO THE DOOR…..LAZY!..sorry for the caps, this person has been honking for 5 minutes already.
Oh em gee this is soooo rude! I'll actually stay in the house longer or text them to ring the doorbell!
#I judge anything I classify as pretentiousness, especially if it is sluthered in sugary words.
#Passive aggressive behaviors.
#Picky eaters. (especially gimme-pizza-n-diet-coke folks)
#Office gossip. – It makes me so upset that I want to go off and gossip about the gossipers.
#People making sounds while eating or drinking or chewing gum. – My jaw crackles. The more I judge others' eating, the more it crackles.
#Divas who can't imagine camping. – I've never camped…
#Pedantic and extremely detail-oriented demanders (classified as nags, and boring over-kills) drive me nuts. – I am late. Often:(.
#People who change their plans last-minute or simply don't keep their word. – It ruins MY plans and disappoints ME.
#People who secretly think they are the wisest…. – Why would they assume they are smarter then I am…
And WHY did you ask this!? 🙁
Ooooooh Aljolja you got one of my numbers ones: #People who change their plans last-minute or simply don't keep their word. – It ruins MY plans and disappoints ME.
I happen to [believe that I am] be very committed and when I make plans with someone I pencil them in with a Sharpie, figuratively speaking. I really do feel disappointed and as awful as it sounds, I feel like I'm a better friend than other people who don't stick to their word. After all, doesn't the Bible tell us "let your yes be yes and your no be no"?
Ok, I'm done stretching Scripture to suit my needs. 🙂
People who flash their lights at me on the freeway, when I AM driving the speed limit. Especially those that have Christian bumper stickers on their cars; because Believers should know that God's Word tells us to "obey the governing authorities" which means we are supposed to obey the law, which means we are supposed to obey the speed limit.
People … texting … applying makeup … reading … etc … while driving, because it is MY life that they might take with their dangerous habits. (That goes for the drivers going 90+ down the freeway, as well.)
Parents who allow their children to run WILD. Parents who excuse their children's behavior with "kids will be kids" or "boys will be boys".
Women who speak poorly of their husbands (especially when they are at a ladies' function at church). (This about boils my blood.)
Members of our congregation who judge the Pastor's Wife (me) because I am not doing all that they expect me to do. (Because they have no understanding of the fact that my most important ministry is to my DOZEN CHILDREN.)
The self-righteous among us who think that I am not the "right" kind of Christian because … I wear jeans and not dresses … I read the NIV and not the King James … I listen to contemporary worship music rather than hymns and classical music … I wear my hair "short & sassy" rather than long and in a bun … (Yes … we have a LOT of this type of Believer in our little "Christian" town in the Pacific NW.)
The people in my little "Christian" town who go overboard with preferential treatment of my little adopted black children, while completely ignoring my white children. It happens especially in our church. It's really ugly, and VERY hard for the little white children to understand.
Nope … looks like Mama D. isn't perfect either (and I'm a Pastor's Wife, who is supposed to be perfect) … I get a little judgmental of the people who do the things I've listed above …
Great topic, B.
Mama of a Dozen
(ages 8, 8, 10, 11, 13, 17, 19, 21, 21, 23, 24, 26)
I'm stuck. I can't think of any. It's either because i'm super holy or I have so many that I don't recognize them as prejudices. Yikes, no bueno!! I better have my listening ears on tonight!!
LOL! Jackie that was such a SCL comment! "I can't think of any… because I'm super holy…" Such a clever gal!
Probably super holy…. or at least pretty righteous. 😉
Uhhhh where do I start?
People who use the left lane to brake in BEFORE getting into the turn lane which was designed specifically for people to brake in so you do not have to stop the flow of traffic in the left lane, the lane you are currently braking in.
This whole "cougar" phemonenon. Ugh
People who say "I'm not trying to be rude but _______ (insert rude comment)
People who say they are "brutually honest" but are in fact enjoying the brutality more than the honesty
…I'm realizing how many more I have. I should go pray about this now.
*People who perpetually use the wrong you're/your
*Skinny people who are constantly saying how fat they are
*Parents who let their kids cuss to them or in front of them
*People who sleep in church- why go?
*Girls who can't step out of the door without fully applied makeup and every hair in place
Ahhhh! I'm a total grammar nazi and I will take 10 minutes out of my day (and yours) to explain the differences between you're and your, there, their, and they're.
We would definitely be best friends. I am the EXACT same way! I feel you.
I could always use more friends! 😀
Hi Bianca… I figured out I can't comment without applying for an account.
Here goes:
*People who use "How are you?" as a form of "Hi"
*Complainers looking for new victims to dump their complaints
*Cleavage that commands/demands attention. I know some ladies are more blessed than others, but if you bend, please hold your top or bend down back straight, not hunched over like you're about to pass a football (or whatever that position is ). I feel like singing, "The Hills Are Alive".
*People that don't look straight into your eyes while in conversation and/or texting while in a conversation.
*Excessive cell phone usage in the workplace. Depending on your line of work, it may be necessary, but if I can gather it's a personal call, step out.
*Peeps who can’t keep their word.
*Judgmental people, me included…
my samaratan brothers and sisters:
*those who dress provacatively
*ultra saggy pants (i dont know why it offends me but it does!)
*judgemental people like myself
*people who have an opinion about EVERYTHING
~People who judge others for not having up to snuff material things
~People who say they are Christian but act the exact opposite (I know I fit in this category, too).
~Girls who dress like they are aiming to get picked up on the corner.
~Super skinny, pretty girls… I kid, I kid, but man do they give me a run for my money! Ha!
~Slow drivers
~Folks who use the word "Like" every other word.
Gosh, I could go on and on, but I know that there are tons of things about me that others probably find very annoying. After reading The whole book of James last night (thanks Bianca!) I realized that there are so many other things I need to focus on. There are all kinds of things I need to work on myself. Now… to go out and make those changes!!!
– People who own sports cars and drive 40mph
– Those people. By that I mean those who complain. lol
– Ushers who speak too loud and move people around during worship. They also tap your shoulder and ask you and those around you about the empty seat next in your row as if you claimed that row yours… AHHHHHH ok this is personal.
– Drivers in Miami. yea, that's a whole category.
– Holy Rollers or the overly righteous Christians… you can detect one when they, "Oh no, not I!!!" Come on now, we are all sinners in need of Jesus every day.
After last nights message I wil LOVE….__People who don't HUG the curve when making a right turn! __People who talk themselves up but don't have any fruit to show for it.____:)
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