Not too long ago I sarcastically tweeted about fanny packs and Crocs. Within a few hours I had started a online revolt involving fashionistas versus people pledging allegiance to the modern-day Dutch clog.

Fanny Pack wearers came out of the wood works to defend the pouch-purse as the most revolutionary way to carry life’s essentials in one easy swoop. Two words I heard over and over in reply to questioning the existence of these essentials: easy and comfortable.

Easy and comfortable.

Two adjectives that sum up our goal in life. We love doing easy. We enjoy being comfortable. In and of those statements lay the discontentment in any sort of trial or stretching.

This satiric critique of fashion led to a bigger issue many express with the frustration in life. We want to be lovers of Jesus without having to share him with others. We want the blessings of fellowship without the cost of discipleship. We want the comfort of his arms without acknowledging the pain he endured.

This, my dear friends, shant be.

To live a life of ease and comfort is to remove the One who forsook the ability to change all to endure what we wouldn’t have to. To desire an unchallenged life is to look upon a heap of marred rubble and wish for times passed instead of rebuilding what was destroyed.

Our relationship with our creator was broken. Left in its place was nothing but broken pieces of what once was. To get back to a world of peace and sweet comfort takes more than the easy of fanny-packs and the comfort of Crocs.

Do the hard that makes us uncomfortable. Easy and comfortable will never make you the person you’re called to be.

Feel free to share your easy… or your hard. I’m listening.

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