He said it was what we needed. He said it was a priority. He said he wanted it modeled by everyone around him. As he said the words I was struck with the profundity of a simple thought. He wants something modeled around him that he himself doesn’t model.

I heard what he said, but remained skeptical about the results. Leadership from a megaphone is hard for me to process because I’m always looking beyond the words and following the actions. The truth is that he really does believe this particular directive is needed and a priority and should be modeled. But I’m not sure he knows how to attain it personally.

If something isn’t modeled personally, it won’t be modeled publicly. 

This is where I’m stuck with a new [and convicting] thought. It was so easy to identify the desire and the fear of the leader, while remaining completely blind to my own proclivity to do the same.

On Friday night I sat in a car and realized I want others around me [husband, step-kids, friends] to model something I don’t model in my own life. I want to be dealt grace, but I hold the grace card up like a stealth poker hand I want to hide. I need the warmth of love, but keep the blanket over me and don’t share with others. I want acceptance for my shortcomings, but don’t accept the failures of others without the I-Told-You-So remarks. I want to be open and share truths, but I don’t want stones to be thrown or opinions to change.

But something needs to change… and it begins with me.

Jesus rocked the worldview of his friends, followers, and haters when he said to do unto others what you want them to do for you. I always relegated this to a churchy type of understanding. Feed the hungry, clothe the naked, give to the needy. But it’s more than that. It’s love when you feel unloved, forgive when you cannot forgive, deal out grace when you have been wronged.

Like the leader I so greatly respect, we know something needs to change, but we don’t know how. What I realized very clearly is that it begins with me. Because really, when something isn’t modeled personally, it won’t be modeled publicly.

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