If God can make a man fall in love with a woman pulled from his rib, should it surprise us in 2012 that love can be found on XBOX? For Beth Robinson, a 13-year-old girl from Cyprus Hill, it’s how she met her 12-year-old boyfriend. [All the haters who thought me setting up people online was too much, welcome to 2012 and the world wide web.]
Dear sweet girl Beth didn’t mind her boyfriend lived in Kentucky. Nothing was going to stop this Juliet from meeting her Romeo, so with her mother’s ATM card and brother’s stolen car, she set out on a 900-mile road trip to find her star-crossed lover.Thankfully her parents alerted police who tracked her down in Nashville, 120 miles from her boyfriend’s house. Oh Beth, so close, yet so far!
I snickered at this story and scoffed at a love that would drive someone crazy. But Beth’s actions have continued to haunt me since reading this article yesterday. In her sincere affection towards another, she broke rules for love. Nothing could stop her from meeting and sharing her passion for her XBOX boyfriend, even a covert night op in a stolen car.
When was the last time I loved someone recklessly? When have I been so blinded by sheer determination to share love with someone that I was willing to break rules or social norms? Like a Beth’s mom, I think I’ve been asleep on the job. Please hear me out, I’m not talking about a romantic love because Matt and I are fine in that department. I’m talking about a passionate love for the lost. I want to go back to puppy-love nights of whispering secrets of a man name Jesus to those who have never experienced true love! I want to share the wooing ability of Man who can, will, and does love at all times of the day, offline, online, or in line.
But here’s the truth: I’m a passionate Christian, I work with Christians, I’m married to a Christian, I have Christian friends, and I go to a Christian church. Between anti-human trafficking strategy meetings, soccer practices, date nights, church services, and sleep, where do I have space to tell people about my star-crossed lover who died for my soul? My holy-huddle bubble is about to break.
Like Beth, I’m punch-drunk in love with people on the other side of my computer screen. I have no idea who reads this, but I have been able to meet some Muslims sisters, a couple atheists, a Jew, many Catholics, and some luke-warm people who need to be warmed up to Jesus all through this little blog/diary/journal/digital secret keeper. And like Beth, I want to break some social rules. I want to yell and scream and drive across the state to whisper sweet nothings of One True Love who cares about our deepest secrets, our widest fears, and our empty ache for more.
I’ve been inspired by a 13 year-old to love wildly and break some rules. Even if they are social rules like not loosing cool points and talking about faith. Whatevs. I’m down to ride! I’ve gotta find some people who need some Jesus-lovin’ and bring His words of hope, healing, and health to those who don’t know Him.
I’ll keep you posted on my wild ride, friends! If you have some crazy cool stories of reckless love, feel free to share and inspire us to love without walls. But please, please, don’t steal you momma’s ATM card. 😉
Beautiful, as always. And so blessed to be able to read your posts.
Thanks Ruthie! XO
Hey!!! This isn`t something new for you. You`ve already reached through the computer screen to me….This kid with the wobbly faith appreciates the lovin`
Thank you…
Wasn’t Juliet also 13? Crazy young love!
Way to force yourself beyond your comfort zone! I’m always too scared to share my faith with non-believers – even friends!
So that is what I need to do, get my single friends an xbox!
Thanks B! 😉
I think it’s awesome! I use to hold back a lil because not everyone I know believes in Jesus like I do and I didn’t want to offend anyone. So I told myself that every person I know or every person that will cross my path are all part of his plan. I know he will keep the ones in my life that need to be in it and the one that leave, I hope will see the love for Jesus that I have. I love love and everything life had to offer because I know and I’m not alone. I know my happiness is because of God and I just want to share all that I can because I wish my happiness on everyone and I know it’s only found with Jesus <3 …Thanks and I love what you do!
God gave me boldness to share from day one – even when all i know was that HE loves me! my complete knowledge of the Bible until age 40 was the soundtrack from J.J Superstar & Charleston Heston movies! don’t worry about “offending” anyone – i’d rather “offend” someone into Heaven that pacify them int Hell! =)
I’m truly inspired! Thank you. As I head out to run my errands today, I pray that I will share my crazy love for Jesus with someone.
Hey sister, IDK what you are planning on doing but Im catching up with this awesome ministry of women who go to STRIP CLUBS to develop relationships with these ladies, they also have a table in the middle of Downtonw Long Beach every friday to do the same with prostitutes.
There are so many things we could do!
I also know of ministries in Skid Row that need volunteers everyday.
I have also found many needs in the community as well….even visiting the elders that live in those apartments…you know which ones right?
I also know of this ministry that neds leaders to start cell groups in one of the most dangerous projects in LA.
As I said there are soooo many wonderful opportunities and yes, only a few workers.
Sister, let me know if any of this sound like something God has put in your heart already. Lets ask the Holy Spirit in what area we must go in.
LOL!!! Ur too funny! I love this blog, Thanks for introducing me to it crrrrrazzzy frrrrrriend!! Love you. XOXOx
This made my night. I am NOT advocating ANY MORE injuries for you, but my word you have been so fun to read and funnier than ever since the unfortunate accident. I am praying for your recovery- and thanks for such inspiring but fun posts of late.
Awwww that was so greatly written Bianca!
I love your blog!Honestly I can not wait to read your next post!
Thanx for warming my lukewarm heart so to say with such amazing honesty!!I love your blog because you keep it so real!!
Be blessed as much as you could!!
Thank you for sharing, I love this!
I work downtown at Skid Row and just this past week the V.P. shared his calling with everyone at the mission. God has been encouraging him to get out on the Skid Row streets and pray. Although we help many people with shelter, food and recovery…we have never gone out to the streets to those who get ignored. So he proposed the idea of a “Prayer Walk”. This Prayer Walk has no affiliations and has no ties to anyone but our Father. This past Thursday was our first Prayer Walk …and it was just amazing. We encountered those who didn’t want anything to do with us, but those who we did pray for and with, was so uplifting.
With that being said you and the blog followers are more than welcome to join us on our Prayer Walks held Thursday’s at 11am.
Thanks again sister.