It’s Friiiiiiiday! You know what that means?

  • It’s pay day!
  • It’s the start of the weekend!
  • It’s cheat day if you’re on a diet!
  • It’s catch-up-on-sleep-you-missed-during-the-week day!

But it also means it’s time for another Friday vlog. πŸ™‚

I’m committed to giving away as much resources as possible when it comes to telling people about Jesus. Today’s vlog is the first installment of the Desertology series. You can download it onto your computer or watch it from this site. Either way, I hope it’s a tool to equip, restore, and reinvigorate your love of Jesus Christ. Best part about the series is that—like the love of Jesus—it’s completely FREE.

Holla’! πŸ™‚


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