I climbed out of my blue Kia I rented from Enterprise, grabbed my laptop, and checked in at registration. First trip to Chicago, first communication conference, first time I desperately needed help traversing the world wide web for more than email or Internet surfing.

At a black round table at the Cultivate conference in Chicago I furiously took notes as the presenters took time to dialogue and discuss social media, communication, and leveraging the Internet. As the communications and public relations representative for my church, this was like striking oil, finding gold, and landing on where X marks the spot.

You need to understand that I just procured my position, needed help communicating a new way of information to our church, and had no clue what I was doing. No seriously, I had NO clue about what I was doing.

“So there are better ways of informing our congregation about initiatives than just the church bulletin?” “What do you mean leveraging media and the Internet?” “Wait, what is Twitter?”

Presenters poured out new ways of information, encouraged start-ups to push hard, and challenged churches to find new avenues of communication. The main session speakers, workshops, and Q&A sessions didn’t necessary give me how-to steps or a Guide to Effective Communication [which—honestly—I really just wanted]. The Cultivate crew made me address how we are currently communicating and what ways we could uniquely make it better. Yes, uniquely designed to meet the needs of my church, not another mega church who seems to do it right.

I’m totally excited and honored to be a part of Cultivate 2011 not only because it was pivotal in doing my job within church, but because the conference/conversation was birthed from a group of people dedicated to making a difference in social media, communication, and the world wide web.

I’ll be at the Cultivate conference this week and will be giving away TWO free tickets for those who would like to attend. I know this is a last minute giveaway [come on y’all, I’m horrible with deadlines], but if you live or work in Orange County and would benefit your church or non-profit to attend, leave a comment and maybe I’ll get to see you on Thursday! 🙂


  • Leave a comment with a valid email address in the corresponding comment box
  • Smile at a stranger
  • Open a door for co-worker
  • Give me a hug when I meet you at Cultivate

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