Oh bliss! Oh rapture! Oh joy! Guess who got her stitches out? 23 glorious knots of black synthetic polymer string was removed from my wrist and I’m bubbling over with joy! Though I’m a looooong way from recovery, the 20 minutes of doctor-approved computer typing brings a smile on my face.

Laying in bed for 14 days has allowed me to count the holes in my ceiling wax philosophically about who I am and why I am neurotically obsessed so deep. One of the things I’ve thought about is my fascination with excess. When Matt would ask why I had 12 bottles of shampoo in our shower or why I have 15 cans of Trader Joe’s lentil soup in our cupboard, I would just shake my head and scoff, Because I can, oh frugal one. Because I can!

Now that I’ve been laid out in bed, I’ve realized the wherewithal is not simply just for hoarding purposes. I actually like having excess so I can give it away. [Except for my lentil soup. It’s rarely on sale.] The ramifications of growing up poor stimulates an innate reaction to hold onto everything you have out of fear that you won’t have enough. This was a powerful realization for me and how I live my life.

I stand on the principle of giving away things for free. I love being able to put the gospel in people’s hands for free and will try to share biblical truths anyway possible. Whether it’s live streaming a teaching seminar or posting stuff on YouTube, I love giving it away for free. Because I can, oh frugal one. Because I can!

It’s been a while since a vlog has been posted, but to stay in continuum with life this edited clip was taken from the teaching I shared at CHIC two months ago. Like the gift of salvation, it’s FREE. [Unlike the gift of salvation, I have not died for it.] In light of my recent wrist-slashing escapades, the message of Who Do You Say That I Am is challenging me to live what I preach. Word to your mother!

Please continue to pray for me. I’m still relegated to my bed until Monday, but I’m praying I will be released by my doctors to start working from home until I’m strong enough to engage in the speed of life. 😉 But thankfully because of faithful prayers from love ones and friends, the doctors say I’m already six weeks ahead of the healing process. I guess counting the holes on my ceiling has paid off, eh?

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