Look, I’m going to be very honest with you. Very rarely do I ask others to do stuff for me. Call it pride, call it self-sufficiency, call it awesomeness, whatevs. 😉 I like to think that when I do ask someone to do something for me, it’ll be done because they know I hate asking for help.

But here on the blog, I’m asking for a favor. Well, it’s a favor for someone else, but a favor nonetheless. A couple months ago, I had the honor of meeting Jeff Gokee from Pheonix One when I shared at their weekly gathering in Phoenix, Arizona. I was amazed at the group of believers who came together from different denominations and churches to worship one God. It’s rare and it’s rad.

While driving to the venue we got on the topic of kids, stepkids, and adopted kids. Between us both, we’ve got some good stories. But he mentioned his son Cooper and I haven’t forgotten Coop since I heard his story.

Cooper and his brother shared their testimony at Phoenix One last week and Jeff sent me over a portion of this video. Maybe it’s because my mom is a cancer survivor, maybe it’s because I believe in miracles, maybe it’s because Coop is so dang cute; whatever the reason, I’m asking a favor of you.

Will you please be committed to prayer for Coop? I’ve asked you—the Internet—to pray for my mom’s remission, my dad’s surgery, for Gracie’s healing, and now I’m begging you to pray for Cooper Gokee. And dare I say, I’m asking you to pray that I have faith like Cooper. I’m humbled by his faith, gratitude, and full submission to the will of God in his life… and he’s NINE.

His testimony already have affected so many people, but can you share Coop’s story so others can join in and see the sovereign hand of God do a miracle?

I love this family and I promise to keep you updated on Cooper. Let’s believe for a miracle and full healing over his life.

This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, He hears us. And if we know that he hears his—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of Him. —1 John 5:14-15

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