City life always makes me like I’m somehow cool. The buildings, lights, taxi cabs, and social life ooze cool like the steam rising from the street pot holes. It’s as if magically I morph into a city socialite who is all grown up. And then something occurs that reminds me I’m really not cool. I’m not cool at all.

View from my room

Stopping by my parent’s house before leaving out of Los Angeles airport for Chicago, my little sister completely changed my outfit stating I’m on the verge of dressing like a mom. Cool factor? Dropped 20 points.

The day of the Youth Workers Connection workshop, I had my PowerPoint ready to go, music going, my paperwork to be passed out stacked neatly in a pile and I waited for attendees to arrive. And waited. And waited some more. Ten minutes past start time, the coordinator sheepishly said we’d have to cancel the workshop because no one was in attendance. Thankfully, someone noticed that my workshop room was moved and the attendees were still in the other room. Cool points salvaged!

The main session was held at the OmniMax Museum of Science and Industry. It was an amazing venue in the city with our session held in the IMAX theater. Sounds super cool, right? Not if you’re in 3.5 inch heels and take a tumble on the stairs in front of the worship team. I saved my tumble by exclaiming I was filled with the spirit, but everyone knew it was simply because I’m not cool. Cool points deducted.

The best part, however, was connecting with a Twitter friend and blog reader, Christina! We met in Dallas when I hosted a meet-up for a small group of 15 women. Since then we’ve been in contact and since she’s from Chi-town [<—That’s what the cool kids call it], she joined me for the fun. I was grateful to have re-connected and hear about the changes in her life since our last meeting.

Me and Christina

For those who prayed for me, I can’t thank you enough. I’m not sure how I did, but I’m positive I did the best I could. And enjoyed every second of it! I allowed myself to enjoy some Chicago deep dish pizza, but realized I could only eat half my slice for fear of diabetes. That stuff is dangerous! ๐Ÿ˜‰

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