Usher had his confessions and I have mine. Except I actually like sharing them with you because they never end up admitting to infidelity in a pop melody like my dear friend Urrrrrsher. Furthermore, it’s fun when you play along. The last installment of confessions had my jaw on the floor or hunched over rolling with laughter. I hope this round is the same.

To continue the tradition of quarterly confessions, I will kick off the ride with the confessions I’ve been holding on to for the last couple months. As always, they can be serious, comical, anonymous, or linked back to your own blog. Enjoy the ride…

  • I stole Parker’s last Reece’s peanut butter cup from Halloween and lied about it. It was literally stealing candy from a baby.
  • In the middle of an argument with Matt, I knew that I was wrong but pretended to be appalled at some preposterous comment he made. So I cried in attempts to divert the subject and not admit fault.
  • I keep having this recurring nightmare that I’m unknowingly pregnant. My greatest fear is that you’ll see me on TLC’s I Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant saying, I just thought it was gas…
  • I contemplated opening a credit card in my name without Matt knowing so I can purchase things without having to explain why. I need more than intervention, people! I need a credit blockade.

In writing these confessions out, it all makes sense now! Maybe I stole Parker’s chocolate because the nightmare of being unknowingly pregnant is actually true and I’m having constant cravings of endless sweets coupled with a bad attitude and hormonal changes and I will probably need new clothes and have to apply a credit card and now it all makes sense. Or perhaps I developed a nasty hankering for chocolate, watched too much TLC, and hate keeping a budget. Eh, whatever.

In either explanation, the confessions simply reveal to me [and the cyber world] how much I need to change. And help. And a savior. But like St. Augustine said, Confession is the vomit of the soul. What are your confessions? Go ahead, this is a safe place 😉

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